My great-grandfathers fought with the US Colored Troops, Juneteenth is a reunification day

The emancipation of four million enslaved Africans in 1865 secured by the Union victory in the Civil War was the second most significant historical moment in our nation's history next to our gaining independence. So, Independence Day, July 4th and Emancipation Day, June 19 should rightly be celebrated by all Americans as historical moments of triumph for democracy that bends the arc of the universe towards justice.

It is a triumph that we now have Juneteenth designated as a federal holiday and recognized by 49 states. Celebrated traditionally by African Americans as that day when Major Gen. Gordon Granger read General Order No.3 in Galveston, Texas proclaiming that all enslaved persons are free. Those sounds of jubilation on that day by those who were formerly enslaved still resound all around our country today.

More: Union general who made Juneteenth announcement in 1865 is buried in this Kentucky cemetery

I proclaim now that Juneteenth should be celebrated by every American as Emancipation Day but also as Reunification Day.

As a nation, we need to remember that for five years we were a bloodstained and divided country torn into two separate nations with different flags, constitutions, capitals, and presidents. It was the entry of 180,000 Black men and women into the war that secured the Union victory, reunited our country and made Juneteenth possible.

Have you ever thought about what our country would look like if the Confederacy had won the war rather than the Union? We might right now look like North Korea-South Korea, North Vietnam-South Vietnam, or East Germany-West Germany. We would be a different-looking North American land mass if there was a United States of Confederates and United States of Yankees. In fact, the entire world would look very different as well.

So why we don't celebrate this reunification is perplexing to me still. And I think the reason why is because it would be so closely aligned with Juneteenth and the emancipation of four million enslaved African Americans. It has taken us 150 years as a nation to embrace Juneteenth, but I hope it doesn't take us another 100 years to celebrate and honor Reunification Day which has personal family significance to me.

More: What is Juneteenth? We explain the holiday that commemorates the end of slavery

In my family, we had three great grandfathers that mustered in at Camp Nelson and fought with the U.S. Colored Troops: brothers Jackson and George Ballew and Lewis Gilbert. Some 28,000 Black troops from Kentucky served which was the second-highest number of any state.

Jackson Ballew served with the 12th Regiment and died early in the war. George Ballew and Lewis Gilbert served with the 114th Regiment, which fought against and surrounded General Lee in Virginia to force his surrender to Gen. Grant. George and Lewis were both present at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Later in mid-May the 114th Regiment was shipped off to Texas to defeat the remaining confederate troops, secure the border and create a safe environment for Gen. Grainger to arrive.

But it was the sight of 10,000 Black troops marching down the streets of Galveston that angered white folks, but also inspired our enslaved ancestors to shout “Hallelujah!” and jump for joy. We ought to alter the narrative of Juneteenth as not solely the act of General Granger, but additionally the actions of these courageous Black troops that fought for their freedom and to restore the union.

The majority of the 180,000 Black men and women who enlisted to fight in the Civil War and my three great grandfathers were listed on their muster rolls as farmers. So, when I'm speaking about the USCT, I call this effort the "legalized armed insurrection of Black farmers." These soldiers, who were listed as farmers, put down their hoes, shovels and farm tools and picked up rifles and swords. When the Civil War ended, many of these soldiers returned to farming and then turned their swords into plowshares.

Juneteenth is a time to remember, change the narrative and envision our future.

Jim Embry
Jim Embry

Jim Embry, a life-long community activist, historian and photographer, lives on a family farm in Madison County, directs Sustainable Communities Network.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Juneteenth honors my ancestors who fought with the US Colored Troops