Groundhog Day 2022: Punxsutawney Phil Prepares For Crowds Again

PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA — A year after making his annual weather prediction in relative solitude, Punxsutawney Phil is ready to seize the spotlight again on Feb. 2.

The many festivities surrounding what arguably is the nation's most popular rodent will return after being postponed last year because of the pandemic. Only by Phil's close friends, members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, witnessed the forecast in person.

This year's celebration begins on January 30 with the traditional "Lunch with Phil" and continues until Phil is taken out of his heated fake tree stump as the sun rises on February 2.

Legend has it if the furry forecaster sees his shadow, winter continues for six more weeks; if he doesn't, spring arrives early. Phil's forecast usually attracts thousands of people to Gobbler's Knob, located just outside of Punxsutawney about 80 miles northeast of Pittsburgh

This marks the 136th time Phil attempted to show meteorological mettle. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club credits The Punxsutawney Spirit newspaper with printing the first observance in
1886; the first trip to Gobbler's Knob occurred the following year.

Don't be surprised if Phil sees his shadow, like he did in 2021. According to groundhog club records, the groundhog has predicted an early spring just 20 times.

Also don't be stunned if Phil's prediction turns out to be wrong. According to, "The groundhog's seasonal forecasting accuracy is somewhat low. Phil's winter prognostications have been correct only 39 percent of the time."

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This article originally appeared on the Pittsburgh Patch