How a group of middle-aged dads went viral with dance videos

How a group of middle-aged dads went viral with dance videos

These dads have all the right moves, and the internet is noticing.

It all started in 2012, when a group of seven friends — all dads — living in Brighton, on the south coat of Great Britian, decided to plan a surprise performance at their kids' dance recital.

"It was to make our kids proud," one dad told NBC's Keir Simmons, who recently paid the dance group a visit. "That was the ultimate goal.

"There is probably other ways right?" the dad continued. "More traditional ways."

As it turns out, their kids loved the surprise performance, and the The Outta Puff Daddys dance group took off.

Meet the Outta Puff Daddy dance group. (TODAY)
Meet the Outta Puff Daddy dance group. (TODAY)

Years later, the group has grown to 50 men, all with regular day jobs, from tech workers to chefs to teachers and firemen.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, one of the dad's daughters suggested the group post their dance routines on TikTok. And the rest was history.

"It just blew up," the dad said.

Now the group is a viral legend on social media, with nearly 200,000 followers on TikTok alone.

Their dances are more than just a way to show off their moves. The dads say their routines help boost their own physical and mental health.

"One of the things about dancing is that when you’re doing the same thing at the same time, there’s a connection where you kind of sync up as humans," one group member said. "It gives you something really special."

One dad added that the group has "built this culture within us that the moment anyone has any kind of struggles, they verbalize it and it's very, very beautiful."

The group performs regularly at various events, raising mental health awareness.

"Ultimately, our message is about trying to break the stigma surrounding mental health — in particular, men talking," one dad said. "(And) helping others and encouraging others to put a support network around them so that when a crisis point happens, they have the support group there to help them."

One of the dads admits that their kids were probably a touch embarrassed by his dance moves at first.

"I’ve been doing it for 10 years, so any embarrassment they’ve had has long since passed," he said.

Keir Simmons tried some dance moves of his own, strutting his stuff on the dance floor alongside the fellow dads.

"If your children are your greatest critics, well take a look at how my kids reacted," the NBC senior foreign correspondent told TODAY Show co-hosts Al Roker, Sheinelle Jones and Craig Melvin before sharing a clip of his twin daughters watching him dance.

"Actually, I’m going to say this, but this is quite impressive," one of Keir's daughter said after watching the video.

"Then there were fits of laughter, there was a lot of laughter," Keir admitted to the TODAY Show 3rd hour crew. "I think she was being kind to me."

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