Groups observe Veterans Day

Nov. 10—Several Veterans Day ceremonies and observances are taking place on Friday and this weekend. They include:

American Legion Post 210, Danville

Veterans Day ceremony at 10:45 a.m. Friday at the Middle East Conflicts Memorial on the corner of Hazel and Williams Street in Danvill. Everyone is welcome.

Danville VFW Post 728

Celebrate Veterans Day at the V.F.W., 8 Pine St., Danville. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, there will be homemade chili, vegetable soup, grilled cheese sandwiches and dessert. Donations accepted for food.

War Museum

The Vermilion County War Museum will have free admission on Friday, Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 12.

There will be special displays highlighting particular artifacts from the museum and private collections from each era of American History. Visitors may take a self-guided tour or be part of a group tour led by museum volunteers. Hours are 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

More than 60,000 artifacts are on display at the museum which is located at 307 N. Vermilion St. in Danville, in the historic Carnegie Library Building.

"Every day is Veterans Day at the museum," said board member and volunteer Larry Weatherford. "And to be part of this annual nationwide observance makes it even more special for us. We hope people will come by to visit and see our new and expanded displays in honor of our veterans."


Danville Mass Transit will provide free bus rides to any veteran who shows their VA ID card on Friday.

Westville American Legion Post 51

The public is invited to attend an 11 a.m. service to celebrate and honor those show served our country. Free coffee and hot cocoa will be available at Zamberletti Park in Westville. A free lunch will immediately follow the ceremony at the Westville American Legion Post 51.

Jazz Ambassadors America's Big Band Concert

The concert is at 3 p.m., with doors open at 2:30 p.m., Sunday. Join WITY radio station and the U.S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors at the Dick Van Dyke Auditorium at Danville High School. The Jazz Ambassadors is the United States Army's premier big band. This 19-member ensemble, formed in 1969, has received great acclaim both at home and abroad performing America's original art form, jazz. For free ticket information go to the website: or call 217-446-1312 or stop by the radio station at 399 Spelter Ave. Tilton, during business hours for your free ticket. Free tickets also will be available at the door until seats are filled.