Grove City VFW post spreads holiday cheer to local veterans

Dec. 26—GROVE CITY — Inside nursing homes, you'll find people full of knowledge and experience of their lives, including some heroes in retired military members. In the holiday season, those heroes received an extra presents this year.

The Grove City VFW Post 519 and its Auxiliary traveled to Orchard Manor to deliver checks and stockings to seven veterans who live there.

"Some of the veterans over there don't have any family," VFW Post Commander Frank Bruno said. "We want them to know that we are thinking about them during the holiday season, that they are not alone."

Bruno, who took over the commander role early this year, said he had never met the veterans there. He wanted to make sure that some people who spend their holidays alone have a little extra Christmas joy.

The money and gifts came from donations given throughout the year by club members. They also came from fundraisers throughout the year, including a cookie sale the same day, which will get started on next year's donation.

On top of all of that, the VFW handed out several scholarships to students who filled out video essays for a national prompt. The awards went up to $150 for winners and a decreasing number for several others.

The VFW offers the scholarships each year. Any VFW can accept the submissions. For Grove City, they marketed it to Grove City Public Schools, Christian Academy and Lincoln Parks Performing Arts.

In order to be eligible for the scholarships next year, students must go to their nearest VFW and get information on the prompt. The prompt is called the "Voice of Democracy". Winners can be at a local, state or national level with a top prize of $35,000.

The VFW is already working on their fundraisers for next year so they can continue to help the local veterans. So far they have begun planning on a motorcycle show in May and a car show in June.

"We are also here year round. We hand out food for people who come," Bruno said. "Anyone can stop in here or check our Facebook, we hold a lot of events for people to come by."

Ty Kohler can be contacted at