Guest column: Sara Wan leaves an unmatched legacy of coastal activism

Sara Wan, the longest serving member of the California Coastal Commission, and a coastal activist who mentored hundreds of other activists through her words and deeds, died recently of complications from surgery. She was 83.

Sara will not be forgotten. Her feats are legendary, such as her one-woman protest on the sand at Broad Beach in Malibu. There she asserted the public’s legal right to enjoy “the wet sand up to the mean high tide line,” as granted by the California Constitution. She was armed with a copy of the Coastal Act, the Constitution and maps that showed she knew exactly where her rights began and those of wealthy homeowners left off. Though threatened with arrest, she held firm and the deputy sheriff and security guards eventually left­­­­. An Los Angeles Times photo captured the moment.

But when I think of her, I have a different photo of her in my mind. It is of Sara sitting alone near the dunes at Ormond Beach in 2002, just quietly watching the least terns forage and feed their young. Her reverence for the beauty and vulnerability of the terns was obvious.

In her own words, from her 2015 interview with Earth Alert, Sara said, “When I first started, when I first became involved in becoming an enviro, it was purely philosophical. Nature was beautiful. I loved it. How could we destroy it? And I had empathy for animals … they have the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as people do.”

She continued, “But it’s become more than a philosophical battle. … Yes, the philosophical drives me, but if you think about it, life is interwoven with other life. It’s a web. And we cannot continue to destroy nature and think that eventually, it’s not going to affect human beings. Aside from our philosophical needs to it, you can’t destroy the ocean, for example, and ignore the fact that, I believe, 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from the ocean. What do you do if the ocean dies? Where is your oxygen gonna come from?”

Sara Wan
Sara Wan

Sara Wan had a major role in the early movement to protect Ventura County’s Ormond Beach wetlands. Under her guidance, the Ormond Beach Task Force (OBTF) was created, and activists were taught how to present the wetlands’ case before the Coastal Commission. For years, OBTF brought activists, landowners, the Navy, and city of Oxnard and Ventura County representatives together for discussion. This led to the group’s passage of the Ormond Beach Consensus Plan, which advocated for strong protection of the habitat and its wildlife.

In addition to her major victories on the commission to protect public access and prevent overdevelopment of the entire California coast, Sara and her devoted husband, Larry, worked tirelessly to create the Western Alliance for Nature, a land conservancy that protects valuable habitat throughout the Western Hemisphere. She was an early advocate for whales and the danger that sonar causes them and for a land bridge over the 101 Freeway to allow wildlife passage throughout the Santa Monica Mountains.

Her indomitable spirit has been passed to those she mentored. Sara has earned her rest, but her teachings still ring in our ears. She is still telling us to pay attention to coastal and other environmental issues, to do our homework, and to come prepared when we show up at public hearings. Aye, aye, Sara! But oh, how we’ll miss you!

Janet Bridgers is the co-founder and president of Earth Alert.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Guest column: Sara Wan leaves an unmatched legacy of coastal activism