Guest: When it comes to Tulsa schools case, Walters needs to remember Commandment No. 9

When true emotions of fear are caused by bomb threats directly related to Ryan Walters' massive distribution of false information, it makes it impossible to hear, and certainly believe, when he states, “I’m working to do whatever it takes for these kids.”

Bomb threats in Tulsa-area schools have put most every Oklahoma student, teacher, parent and informed resident on alert that schools might not be safe places for learning. All of this relates to Walters' decision to retweet a greatly altered tweet from Libs of TikTok. It doesn’t take much intelligence to realize that when the caption of “My radical liberal agenda is teaching kids to love books and be kind” is removed from the tweet, the meaning is completely changed. And, of course, Walters adding, “Woke ideology is real and I am here to stop it” only adds gasoline to a flaming fire that began with false information.

The unfortunate result is four bomb threats in four days. Do I need to explain to you the fear that is at an all-time high in the classrooms, as well as in the homes of students and teachers? And in the midst of all this fear, Walters and his board have issued an ultimatum to Tulsa Public Schools to improve learning — or else. And add to that, Walters spouts, “DO NOT TEST ME!” Is he so unintelligent to think that learning can possibly happen in an environment filled with fear? Or is it his plan to make sure fear, threats, intimidation, disrespect and lies produce the expected failures so he can “jump in” and save the schools.

More: Tulsa Public Schools Supt. Deborah Gist resigns amid dispute with Walters, accreditation

That fear will not be erased by Walters saying an Oklahoma State Department of Education video “is full of life and hope, just like Tulsa kids.” Walters needs to realize there is a big difference between goals and a positive, workable plan. The educators of Oklahoma are still waiting for Walters and his office to produce a positive, workable plan for any of the problems plaguing Oklahoma schools. To think he would be capable of managing a school district the size of Tulsa is absurd, especially when he can’t seem to produce anything but negative rhetoric and threats … and now bomb threats!

Oklahoma state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters speaks on Aug. 24 during an Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting.
Oklahoma state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters speaks on Aug. 24 during an Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting.

The source of these bomb threats is related directly to Walters' inability to make sure what he says — including on his account on X, formerly Twitter — is truth. (Walters on Friday afternoon announced the threats were being investigated.)

Since Walters believes the Ten Commandments should be in every classroom, let’s look at No. 9: THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS. It is more than not lying. It means you don’t say something unless you have positive proof it is true.

More: Editorial: Ten Commandments mandate? Focus instead on why public education is 49th in US

Walters stated “... communist China is giving money to Tulsa Public Schools. It’s unbelievable.” The reason it is unbelievable is because it is not based on facts. It is yet another of his “kitty litter in the restroom” comments that embarrassed Oklahomans and gave the nation a glimpse of his ability to “spout” before checking the facts. But it did get him a spot on FOX News, and that’s all that is important to him. Thou shalt not bear false witness!

And Walters continues to bring up embezzlement in Tulsa Public Schools. It is worth noting that when this was discovered, it was immediately reported and charges were filed. This is quite unlike Walters' mishandling of the GEER (Governor’s Emergency Education Relief) money. The GEER audit by the state auditor documents $1.7 million that was misspent just through ClassWallet in one year alone (more is probably coming). The audit documents that Walters is the one who refused the recommended guardrails and that he did not review the listing of items before they were paid. As the attorney general stated, 27 other states used the same program with appropriate guardrails and had no problems. And Walters still wants to blame ClassWallet for the problem.

Walters staged a news conference in Tulsa so he could “talk directly to Tulsans” and then limited the attendance to only verified press. What a joke! And in that news conference he had “fancy signs” full of inaccurate information. There are too many inaccuracies to list, but one is that Walters claimed 52% of Tulsa Public Schools' costs are administrative. The amount is 4.03% as verified by the state. Thou shalt not bear false witness!

Spreading information that you do not have positive truth of is always damaging. Unfortunately, education and the people in the entire state of Oklahoma continue to be irreparably damaged by Walters’ actions and statements. And the leaders of this state continue to ignore Walters' damaging actions and comments. Are bomb threats not enough to get action? Will you wait until an actual bombing to send your "thoughts and prayers?"

Janis Blevins is an Oklahoma City resident.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Guest: Oklahoma leaders continue to ignore Walters' damaging actions