Guest: Holidays are a good time to consider how we want to make a difference in our world

During the holidays, encourage and help your neighbors or volunteer in your community.
During the holidays, encourage and help your neighbors or volunteer in your community.

We are well into the holiday season, which can bring great joy and comfort to many, but it also can be a trying time for others who may be in need. This season provides the opportunity for us all to take a look around and see those who may need a kind word of encouragement or assistance with providing for their family or themselves.

Winston S. Churchill, the highly respected former prime minister of the United Kingdom, once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Of great importance is taking time to love and provide for your friends and family, but it is just as important to seek opportunities to share your blessings with those around you who may not be as fortunate.

It is my great passion to see our seniors want for nothing if possible, and during this holiday season, I want us to have the mindset of “seniors receiving and seniors giving back.” Thankfully, there are endless occasions to make a difference and give back in simple ways.

One of the first steps toward giving back is getting to know your neighbors. Knowing your neighbors can provide support and safety for everyone. Be intentional and strive to “be a good neighbor” by inclining to leave no neighbor behind. Leave a note or card of encouragement or drop off a treat. Host a small festive get-together for some neighbors, because any small effort can make a difference. All of these will let your neighbors know they are being thought of.

All year round, but especially during the holiday season, you can get involved with Sunbeam Family Services ( to volunteer and participate in their “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” program. The organization has a variety of events during the holiday season that you and your family can be a part of. Partnering with TRIAD of OKC, SALT and other volunteers, Sunbeam Family Services purchases gifts for children from a wishlist provided by those involved in the grandparents program. Volunteers also wrap the gifts to be opened on Christmas. You also can provide your support for the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program by going to Sunbeam's website ( and clicking the “Donate” button. Donations through Dec. 31 will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $60,000, thanks to the McLaughlin Family Foundation. If you are a grandparent raising your grandchildren, or if you know someone who is doing so, support can be found on the website.

There are so many who may feel isolated or that they don’t matter, especially during the holiday season. One of my acquaintances, Shirhonda Whittenburg, and her family have made it their mission to make a difference one person at a time. For many years, they have been going to senior living communities and veteran centers to visit with residents. Simple acts of kindness such as taking a resident a soft drink or their favorite treat each week have greatly impacted these individuals. Most senior living communities will gladly welcome you to visit the residents. In fact, they will even share with you a list of those who rarely receive visitors and could use some special attention. It is crucial that these individuals know they have not been forgotten.

You also can connect with a variety of churches and outreach organizations in your community to give back. Schools and Boys and Girls Clubs are always searching for volunteers to tutor or mentor exceptional learners or students with personal difficulties and challenges. The majority of these volunteers are from the 50+ or retired members of the community. Consider the idea of reaching out to local schools or youth programs to see how you can be of support.

It is so important to look for different ways to reach out to the community to show compassion and demonstrate that each person matters on this earth. Amazingly, giving back can provide a great sense of purpose, fulfillment and connection with others.

The holidays are a good time to consider how we want to make a difference in our world. Each act of kindness can be like a pebble being thrown into a pond causing a ripple effect of blessing. I hope this holiday season of giving back will spur us all into blessing our local communities.

Robin Gunn
Robin Gunn

Robin Gunn is the owner of The Oklahoma Senior Journal. She can be reached at 

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Giving back can provide sense of purpose, fulfillment and connection