Guest Opinion: Luckily, Mom's ectopic pregnancy happened in 1957

My mom had an ectopic pregnancy. A long time ago. This was back in about 1957 and I was just a kid. I didn't know what that meant. I only knew my mom was in the hospital and I just wanted her to come back home. I later found out what an ectopic pregnancy was. It's when the fertilized egg implants in a place other than the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. These pregnancies are never viable but the condition is usually considered to be a medical emergency. This is because there is a good chance the tube will rupture and the woman could bleed to death. As it turned out, it was lucky that this happened in 1957 and not now. There was no question about my mom's condition. She had surgery right away and came home, which was all I cared about. Fast forward to 2022. Roe vs Wade was overturned and reproductive rights decisions have been turned over to the states. So some states allow safe and legal abortions and others do not. Some states do not allow abortion for any reason. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy in a state that does not allow abortion, a woman could bleed to death. If the state has an exception for the life of the mother, doctors may not be able to operate right away, having to consult with hospital lawyers first.

Valuable time could be lost. Would they have to wait until the woman gets worse and closer to death before she could have the life-saving surgery? Does this sound like a good idea to anyone? Think it could never happen to you or someone you know? I'm glad I live in Pennsylvania where abortion is safe and legal. At least for now. And I want to keep it that way. That is why I am supporting Josh Shapiro for Governor of Pennsylvania. He has vowed to veto any bills that try to take away women's rights or limit access to abortion. For any kid whose mom is facing an emergency situation, such as an ectopic pregnancy, they don't care about the law, or complicated exceptions. They just want their moms to get whatever care they need and come home. That's the way it should be.

And in 1957 that was the way it was.

Lynda Mintz is a singer/songwriter and political activist who lives in Bensalem.

This article originally appeared on The Intelligencer: Guest Opinion: Luckily, Mom's ectopic pregnancy happened in 1957