Guns from city streets made into garden tools at UMass Dartmouth event

John Cerritelli pulls the barrel of a shotgun from the furnace during the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.
John Cerritelli pulls the barrel of a shotgun from the furnace during the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.

DARTMOUTH — Surrendered guns got a new, more peaceful purpose at an event at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth on Wednesday that took inspiration from a Bible verse.

“It’s a change for an instrument with the potential for tremendous harm to an instrument of nurturing,” said Bishop James Curry, retired Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

The local arm of Swords to Plowshares, an anti-gun violence group, organized a demonstration on the university’s quad of transforming old guns into garden tools. The event was sponsored by the UMass Dartmouth Episcopal Campus Ministry and the LeDuc Center for Civic Engagement.

Curry, who led the event, explained the organization works with police departments to take guns they receive through gun buyback programs and turn them into garden tools and jewelry.

Guns came from New Bedford buyback program

New Bedford and Fall River both regularly host gun buybacks, where people can exchange unwanted guns for gift cards. The guns for Wednesday’s event were part of a recent buyback in New Bedford.

New Bedford police chief Paul Oliveira said the department supplied several dozen guns they obtained from the buyback to the event.

“It’s been a win-win for everybody, it really has,” he said.

New Bedford police chief Paul Oliveira hammers the barrel of a gun into a plowshare with the assistance of Bishop James Curry at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.
New Bedford police chief Paul Oliveira hammers the barrel of a gun into a plowshare with the assistance of Bishop James Curry at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.

Making a choice to give up a gun

The buybacks and subsequently destroying the guns help make homes in the area safer, Curry said. He pointed out that most gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides and said getting rid of unneeded guns is a way of protecting curious children and teenagers in particular.

John Cerritelli takes a closer look at the gun part being hammered at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.
John Cerritelli takes a closer look at the gun part being hammered at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.

“It’s a whole idea that we don’t have to have guns and we can choose to give them up,” he said.

Along with the forging event, attendees could also pick up free gun locks in another attempt at encouraging gun safety.

The barrel of shotgun is red hot in the furnace at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.
The barrel of shotgun is red hot in the furnace at the Swords to Plowshares event held at UMass Dartmouth.

Curry led Oliveira and others in using a forge and anvil to turn the barrels of a rifle and a shotgun into mattocks that can then be used for gardening. Sparks flew as they heated up the metal in portable forges and hammered them into shape.

Curry said they usually give the new tools to local community gardens, church groups and organizations focused on youth empowerment and violence interruption.

The Swords to Plowshares movement began in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting. The idea comes from a verse from the Bible that has been adopted by anti-war advocates: “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

“Well, that’s what we’re doing,” Curry said. “Our swords happen to be guns, in our society.”

This article originally appeared on The Herald News: Swords repurposed into garden tools at UMass Dartmouth event