Hair length. Hemlines. Song lyrics. Now furry culture: How about tackling real problems?

The day after my 51st birthday, my inbox was flooded with forwards of a recent FLORIDA TODAY article titled “Furries won't fly with Brevard School Board as dress code is debated.” The article was well written, informational and covered diverse opinions.

Historians will point out each generation surges to protect children from widely exaggerated hypothetical events from newly embraced trends that are not understood by parents.

This is just the latest salvo in that battle between generations.

More: What is a furry? It's different than cosplay, steampunk, animalia

Ever hear the expression "It's not like back in my day”? Whether the outrage is about hair length, hemlines, song lyrics, or now furries, emerging subcultures are mocked and ridiculed because they are alien to current conservative views. Consider the hippies of the ‘60s and ‘70s who proved themselves to be harmless, and early “Star Trek” fans who are now considered geek chic. Today the Jedi Code and the Way of the Mandalorian are growing in popularity, transversing from philosophy to religion to some of the fans. Much of the rock and roll that mothers led by former second lady Tipper Gore and the group she founded, Parents Music Resource Center wanted to “protect” children from in the 1980s is now found on easy listening channels.

Those who do not understand the new fads create manic, cartoonlike exaggerations to demonize what is going to happen to youths if we don't “nip this in the bud,” in justification of an unneeded defense..

Even to those in the Fur Fandom, furries can be weird; but harmless. “Furry culture” is enthusiastically inclusive, but also staunchly gate-kept to avoid being cringe. The social pressure to thrive in expressing yourself is equally balanced with judgement to not become an embarrassment to the fandom. Social norms of a community are impressed on its members no matter the culture, whether it is sports, schools, churches or even furries. I have witnessed the most painfully shy and socially inept young adults transform and thrive within the fandom. Furries give each other confidence like no other peer groups I have experienced and are swift to correct what is, or is not, acceptable.

More: Brevard school board likely to ban furry attire in updated dress code

In this post-pandemic world where empathy and social skills have been degraded by isolation and digitization, perhaps the especially concerned parents may consider taking the time on something more important: getting to know their children. Being active in their interests: learning their passions and fears. Talking to and listening to their children. They might just learn how incredible their children are and see them for who they hope to grow into, and their kids may learn some important values. Kids do need guidance, but also the freedom to learn before the hardlines of life do not allow it.

Schools have always been served by existing rules that prohibit clothing and behavior that causes a distraction to the learning environment. There is little reason to consider specifically calling out a group, unless Brevard Public Schools will fund a sociological study and create rules for all the peer groups: the jocks, the nerds, the geeks, the princesses, the bullies. If any particular peer group needs to be called out by name, why not the bullies? Rules could be laid out like the Geneva Conventions on what is considered correct bullying within the scope of the school system and the social structure of the students.

There are far more important issues to be focused on to create a safe, and educational environment for students than whether they can have a furry avatar.

Why did I get this article forwarded to me so much? How do I know all this?

I run a nonprofit troupe which supports charities by appearing in costume, and I am also in the 2017 picture used in the article.

Tim M. Dahn of Merritt Island is an Army veteran, manager of Gold Mine Pawn and Jewelry, member of the Azan Shriners and founder of Agents of Mirth.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Dear Brevard school board: Tackle true problems, not furry culture