Hairdresser reveals 5 things to not do to your hair

You'll want to avoid these!

Video Transcript

- I've seen loads of these videos, like five things I wouldn't do as a therapist, or as a doctor, or as a paramedic, or whatever. I haven't got any life saving advice, but I'll give you the five things that I wouldn't do as a hairdresser.


So number one, I would never use any supermarket shampoos or that being said, any two-in-one shampoos, or hotel shampoos. Anything but professional. Number two, I would never brush my hair or try and detangle my hair with any of these. Number three, I would never tie my hair up wet. Number four, I would never not use a heat protector. And number five, I would never only shampoo once. I always shampoo twice.