Haley Durben is the first female firefighter on Newcomerstown Volunteer Fire Department

Newcomerstown graduate and resident Haley Durben recently became the first female firefighter for the Newcomerstown Volunteer Fire Department and is also a basic EMT for Tri-County Joint Ambulance Service.

Haley is the youngest child of Lee and Amy Lazette and has two older siblings Tamara and Chandler. She and Robert “Boe” Durben II were married July 15, and they have two dogs and one kitten with a special story.

“After graduating from NHS in 2021, I was not sure where my future path would take me, but I knew I loved animals and began the veterinary tech program at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, with plans to eventually become a veterinarian. However, after a brief time I did not feel I was cut out for this career after all, but knew I wanted to help people, and someone suggested becoming an EMT,” Haley said.

Haley Durben stands beside a Newcomerstown fire truck. She is the first female firefighter on the village's fire department.
Haley Durben stands beside a Newcomerstown fire truck. She is the first female firefighter on the village's fire department.

Soon Haley began her EMT training at Buckeye Career Center and became an EMT for Tri-County Joint Ambulance Service in March. “I have the best partner, Steve Carney. He has been a great mentor and as a very seasoned member of the team. I feel fortunate to be working with him. Too, I recently just missed getting my stork pin by one minute meaning we were called out for a female in labor. She had the baby one minute before we got there, but it was still a wonderful experience and something you do not often get to be a part of. Mom and baby were transported to the hospital, and all went well,” she added.

Amber Stucky of Tri-County has worked closely with Haley this past year and said, “She always has questions about the how and why of things, and she wants to know everything she can to further enhance her knowledge.”

Over the summer, Haley was asked by Newcomerstown Mayor Pat Cadle if she was interested in becoming a firefighter for the village’s new volunteer fire department.

“I had to think about that one, and make sure I was up for the additional challenges. After talking with my husband and family, I decided it was something I really wanted to undertake and an opportunity to be even more ingrained in my community. Luckily, my training was paid for, and I became a volunteer firefighter on Nov. 3. Unbeknownst to me, I am the first female fighter for the new department. I have been involved in many fire firefighter trainings thus far, but one that really makes you aware of the types of areas you may be involved in assisting is car extradition, which is the process of rescuing tramped victims, and using the jaws of life,” Haley said.

Haley was recently on duty for Tri-County on a call along with the fire department, where a kitten was rescued from a tree by firefighter Nate Marinucci. Once rescued, Haley claimed the kitten and named her Nuccie after Marinucci.

“She was scared to death, and I knew immediately she was mine. Yes, firefighters do rescue kittens occasionally," she added.

“Haley is going to be a great asset to the fire department," said Assistant Fire Chief Ricky Patterson "She is strong-willed, full of energy and very eager to learn. She is always one of the first ones to jump in and help with anything. We are proud to have her and look forward to seeing her grow and further her career. It is heartwarming to see young people like Haley still wanting to be a part of serving her community.”

“I never saw myself in this career path, but I am glad for those suggesting it. I am proud to be a member of two great services in Newcomerstown. Both at Tri-County and the fire department, I work with superheroes. They handle all situations with incredible professionalism and skill. This is my community, I grew up here and I love all the events we volunteer our time at for both Tri-County and the fire department, especially the sporting ones where we can support the local teams and cheer them on. Tri-County and the fire department squads are family to me, and I am proud to be serving our community in both capacities.

"My future plans include becoming a paramedic and taking the next step in firefighting,” she added.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Haley Durben is the first female firefighter on Newcomerstown's new FD