Haley snags coveted AFP endorsement ahead of Derry Opera House town hall

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Nov. 28—CONCORD — Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley got a big lift for her campaign with the fiscally conservative Americans for Prosperity Action deciding to endorse her.

This first-time involvement by AFP in a presidential race brings thousands of activists from an organization that has a proven record of helping candidates to win elections by offering grassroots and big money support.

"While we don't agree with anyone on every issue, Nikki Haley, by far, offers the best opportunity to improve the lives of all Americans," said Emily Seidel, the group's senior advisor.

The work began Tuesday with a multi-million-dollar advertising campaign to promote the endorsement.

"AFP Action's members know that there is too much at stake in this election to sit on the sidelines," Haley said in a statement. "This is a choice between freedom and socialism, individual liberty and big government, fiscal responsibility, and spiraling debt. We have a country to save, and I'm grateful to have AFP Action by our side."

For months, AFP has spent millions on advertising, direct mail and digital messages that insisted a vote for former President Donald Trump would make it likely President Joe Biden wins a second term.

The announcement answers one lingering question that New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu had before he decided who he would endorse.

In recent days, Sununu has confirmed the choice is between three present and former governors: Haley, who was governor of South Carolina, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

The biggest loser in this decision was DeSantis, who many observers believed was in the running with Haley to win the backing of AFP.

DeSantis Communications Director Andrew Romeo said this move makes it even more likely that former Trump wins the nomination.

"Like clockwork, the pro-open borders, pro-jailbreak bill establishment is lining up behind a moderate who has no mathematical pathway of defeating the former president," Romeo said. "Every dollar spent on Nikki Haley's candidacy should be reported as an in-kind to the Trump campaign. No one has a stronger record of beating the establishment than Ron DeSantis, and this time will be no different."

The decision comes hours before Haley was expected to return to the campaign trail in New Hampshire Tuesday night with a town hall forum at the Derry Opera House.

In an AFP Action policy memo, the group said Haley's nomination would help candidates down ballot and attract independent and moderate voters that Trump can't.

AFP Action cited Haley's economic agenda as another key factor.

"Nikki Haley presents a bold and robust strategy to tackle the inflation that is making everything more expensive for American families — addressing the out-of-control government spending and simplifying the tax code to benefit the American people rather than special interest," AFP said. "Simultaneously, she has the courage to advocate for reforms to an entitlement system that makes promises it can't keep."

Christie criticized Haley for not confronting Trump on the campaign trail.

"Come on, you know, either run against him or don't run against him," Christie told CNN. "If you're running for second place, tell everybody you're running for second place. I'm not."

Plan to secure southern border

During a town hall forum at the Derry Opera House Tuesday night, Haley proposed a comprehensive plan to secure the southern border to include employee verification, more border patrol agents and a "catch and deport" policy.

Haley said if elected she would bring to the country what she achieved as the former governor of South Carolina.

'We will do a national E-Verify program and make every business prove that all their employees are here legally," Haley said.

Another 25,000 border agents are needed to deal with the onslaught of illegal immigrants, she said.

She condemned President Joe Biden, who last September granted temporary residency status to nearly 500,000 migrants from Venezuela who were already here so that they could work legally.

"You know what happened right away? Every one of those Venezuelans called their loved ones and said they got temporary status," Haley said.

In October, the Biden White House announced it had reached a deportation agreement with Venezuela and the U.S. has begun to carry out deportation proceedings.

Haley also amended her call for members of Congress to face a mental competency exam.

"Don't you think it's finally time we have term limits in this country? And we need mental competency tests for anyone over 75," Haley said to applause.

"I think (Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John) Fetterman (56) has changed that policy. I think we have to have mental competency tests for everyone in Washington, for heaven's sake."

Haley drew a crowd of about 200 people to the venue, including some prominent Republicans who have yet to endorse her.

Those included ex-U.S. Sen. John E. Sununu, R-N.H., former state Sen. Gary Daniels, R-Milford, and Joel Maiola, a State House lobbyist and former chief of staff to former U.S. Sen. and Gov. Judd Gregg.

Large crowd included many first-timers

More than a third of those in attendance raised their hand when Haley asked if this was the first time that they had been to one of her town hall forums.

"I love it when I see new people turning out," Haley said.

Haley then recited from memory her 45-minute stump speech that she has given at more than 50 events since she held her first forum last February in Exeter.

Retired Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc of Stratham introduced Haley, saying she earned his support by campaigning four times for him when he was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 2022.

Bolduc said while Haley was ambassador to the United Nations, she helped keep U.S. adversaries China, Russia and North Korea "at check."

"While she was there, we had no conflicts; nobody attacked anybody," Bolduc said.

Prior to the event, key New Hampshire supporters of GOP presidential rival and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed back at Haley's endorsement from the fiscally conservative Americans for Prosperity Action group.

"It is sad to see an organization that exists to oppose cronyism, unrestrained spending, and endless wars pass up the opportunity to support such a clear and obvious champion of its own stated principles like Gov. Ron DeSantis in favor of one with a very different record and rhetoric," said House Majority Leader Jason Osborne, R-Auburn.

Rep. Erica Layon, R-Derry, said the Washington establishment doesn't want DeSantis as the nominee.

"Nikki Haley has no path to victory, but the Wall Street donor class, the establishment media, and D.C. political groups believe their endorsements and their money override the will of the people and are attempting to handpick a globalist hawk for the Republican nominee," Layon said.

"This does nothing but boost Donald Trump and hurts our country's chances of electing someone who will truly turn this country around."

