Hammerling-Hodgers: Love the summer, but take precautions to avoid irritating rashes

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Sally, an avid gardener, complains that she has developed an itchy rash under her breasts while she is out planting flowers.

John enjoys golfing in the summer with his friends but has noticed an itchy well demarcated red rash where the sun hits his neck and forearms. He notices it disappears in the winter when he isn’t outdoors as much.

The previously mentioned patients both experienced some type of rash during the summer months while enjoying the weather.

Living in Florida, we are fortunate to have beautiful weather most of the year, but during the summertime when many people vacation or have time off and catch up doing household chores they become exposed to excess heat and sunlight, which can develop some type of rash.

Susan's previous three columns:

Got small, red bumps?: Don't wait. See your dermatologist immediately

Know your skin: Don't ignore strange spots on your skin; it could be deadly melanoma

It can happen to anyone: Child abuse can occur in all socioeconomic groups and races


One common type of rash that both men and women get is known as intertrigo.

Intertrigo is an inflammatory skin condition that is caused by rubbing of the skin that is worsened by heat and moisture.

When the moisture is trapped it makes skin stick together, which can cause skin inflammation that is an overgrowth of bacteria or fungus.

Common places where intertrigo occurs include: Neck creases, armpits, under or between your breasts and inner thighs.

Keeping the affected areas dry, clean and cool is the best way to help treat intertrigo.

After showering, dry yourself well with a clean towel or you can use a hairdryer on the “cool” setting over the affected area.

Some other simple things that can be done to prevent the annoying rash include wearing loose cotton clothing and breathable fabrics, using skin barrier creams with zinc oxide to help and create a barrier, and applying clean gauze or cotton to separate the affected skin and reduce friction.

Treatment for an infected area where intertrigo has caused an infection depends on whether bacteria or fungi was the culprit.

Treatment for infected intertrigo can include prescription antifungal or antibiotic cream to the affected areas.

Patients who are obese or diabetic have an increased risk for developing intertrigo.


Another type of rash that patients get who live in a sunny climate is photodermatitis.

This type of rash is not only caused by being exposed to the sun, but an allergy to ultraviolet rays.

Many patients unknowingly take over-the-counter or prescription medication, which can make them more sensitive to the sun.

Certain classes of common medications that patients take on a regular basis that can cause a rash from sun exposure are antibiotics, diuretics, birth control pills or diabetic pills in the sulfa class.

Over-the-counter medications that can make you more sun sensitive are St. John’s Wort for depression or ibuprofen for aches and pains.

When participating in outdoor activities make sure to wear long-sleeved, full length clothes to avoid sun exposure. Or if handling fruits or plants that make you sensitive to light make sure to wear gloves.

Certain fruits to be aware of are dripping juice from lemons and limes, oranges, grapefruit, celery, or carrots.

Most people need to avoid giant hogweed because it is very phototoxic.

Polymorphous light eruption

Polymorphous light eruption is a rash caused by sun exposure in people who have developed sensitivity to sunlight.

The rash usually appears as tiny, inflamed bumps or slightly raised patches of skin.

The reaction usually happens during spring and early summer when exposure to sunlight increases. The condition is also known as sun allergy and sun poisoning.

Polymorphous light eruption usually goes away on its own without scarring within 10 days.

In conclusion, in order to prevent intertrigo, try to keep areas dry where skin touches skin such as the feet, groin or under the breasts.

If experiencing some kind of skin outbreak such as photodermatitis or polymorphous light eruption, then make sure to wear sunblock daily with titanium dioxide/zinc oxide and check with your healthcare provider to make sure the medications you are taking are not making you more sensitive to the sun.

Keep a diary to see trends of what time of year the rash flares or after being exposed to certain medications or foods.

If you still can’t seem to get it under control after good detective work, then see your dermatologist for help.

Susan Hammerling-Hodgers, a Member of the National Psoriasis Foundation, is a PA-C (Certified Physician Assistant) and MPAS (Master of Physician Assistant Studies) and works at Brevard Skin and Cancer at the Merritt Island, Titusville and Rockledge offices.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Summer rashes: intertrigo, Photodermatitis, polymorphous light eruption