Hampton Select Board candidate Richard Sawyer

Richard Sawyer
Richard Sawyer

Name: Richard Sawyer

Education: B.S. human services, Springfield College

Occupation: Chief deputy, Rockingham County Sheriff's Office

Political or civic experience highlights: 35 years in N.H. law enforcement, three years on Hampton Board of Selectmen, board of directors for Child Advocacy Center for Rockingham County

What are your top three priorities if elected?: 1. Employee retention and recruitment.

2. Keeping the tax rate affordable.

3. Improving and maintaining town infrastructure.

What is the biggest challenge the town is facing and how would you address it?: With anticipated growth, we need to ensure that town services and infrastructure are not diminished to our residents and visitors. Hampton is a great community and an economic engine for the state of New Hampshire. Roadways, wastewater management, and sanitation are critical to sustaining Hampton as a great place to live, work, and play.

What else should voters know about you?: I bring experience and a common-sense approach to government and will not participate or condone the partisanship that we see obstructing good government in Concord and Washington D.C. We are elected to serve our constituents, and they have a right to expect results for their tax dollars. I have been driven to bring positive results over my 35 years of public service and will continue to do so if re-elected to the Hampton Board of Selectmen.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Hampton Select Board candidate Richard Sawyer