Hanging Eucalyptus in Your Shower Can Help You Relax and Breathe Easier

Photo credit: Jamie Grill - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jamie Grill - Getty Images

Stepping into a hot shower can help release all the tension you’ve gathered after a long, stressful day. Now imagine breathing in deep to a minty, earthy aroma as it mixes with the steam—a distinctive scent that could only derive from a eucalyptus plant, which is native to Australia.

If that sounds like something you’d only experience in a luxurious day spa, think again. People are truly going the extra mile to amplify their shower experience by hanging a bundle of eucalyptus from their shower head. The “bath bouquet” trend isn’t exactly new, but likes to resurface on Reddit.

One post from user Mari1aAW, for example, recommends hanging eucalyptus in the shower for its amazing scent, but there’s actually more to this hack than meets the eye (or nose).

Eucalyptus has been shown to help relieve upper respiratory issues, which is why the plant’s essential oil is often the active ingredient in over-the-counter chest rubs and used with humidifiers.

When you hang eucalyptus in the shower, the steam releases the essential oils of the eucalyptus plant, which can aid in clearing nasal congestion and inflammation related to sinus and bronchial infections, at least temporarily.

Note: If you have dogs or cats in your home, make sure they have zero access to your eucalyptus as it’s extremely toxic for them to ingest. (Source: ASPCA)

Curious to see what showering with eucalyptus can do for you? You can buy fresh eucalyptus from your local florist, plant shop, the flower section of your grocery store, and even online—and don’t feel like you need massive bundle. One Reddit user commented, “We hang a few springs in each shower, not a huge bundle. The bundles we buy are about two inches in diameter (at the stalk), and that’s more than enough to cover two physical showers for a month.”

Photo credit: foxline - Getty Images
Photo credit: foxline - Getty Images

Once you’ve got your eucalyptus, simply tie the stems together with a rubber band or natural twine and tie them to the shower head. Ideally, you’ll want to tie them toward the back of the shower head so they’re not directly in the water’s flow (similar to the image here). Some people even point them to the side or have them balance directly on top of the shower head instead of tying. It depends on what kind of shower head you’re working with.

A major bonus: Eucalyptus is super pretty, and that’s sure to lift your spirits, too.

So next time you’re laid up with congestion from a nasty cold or allergies, get a sprig of eucalyptus and hit the shower. It could be just the thing to clear you right up and give you a sense of calm.

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