What happened to the party of Reagan?

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President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan wave as they walk with their dog Rex on the South Lawn of the White House on Sunday, June 15, 1986 in Washington after returning by helicopter from Camp David, Maryland. The Reagans spent the weekend at the presidential retreat and returned to the executive mansion on Father's Day. The man in the background is unidentified.

What would Ronald Reagan think or say about Jan. 6? President Reagan was the Republican "God," and I agree he had class, morals, values, and religion. What has happened to Reagan's Republican Party? Are they all "Trumpsters" now?

Lately I have seen more hate and anger in our country. Some has to do with the COVID issues but much has to do with social media and television that pass along untruths, which have caused disharmony. Also, foreign adversaries have hacked into social media — cyber warfare that seems to be working.

In the past, Americans came together and waged war over attacks on our country and democracy. Democracy has been struggling lately and America is very divided. A divided America is a weak America and our foreign adversaries love it. Our ancestors immigrated here for a better life in a democratic country. Democracy is what made America great. All Americans must come together to protect democracy.

Gene A. Kuch, Juno Beach

Abortion ban has no place in Florida

Florida’s abortion ban bills, HB 5 and SB 146, are sweeping the nation’s headlines, as they should. This ban would essentially take away many Floridians’ ability to get an abortion in their community. Systemic barriers block ready access to preventive reproductive health care. Comprehensive sex education is nonexistent in Florida schools. Such deficiencies lead to a reality where some people don't even know if they are pregnant until past 15 weeks. Not providing essential care and education while implementing a ban instills an illusion of choice.

Even when early pregnancy is detected, delays are common. It takes time to schedule appointments, gather funds for the procedures, secure child care, and work coverage — all of which pushes people up against the arbitrary 15-week mark. Burdens imposed by an abortion ban will fall hardest on those already facing barriers to health care, especially Black, indigenous and other people of color, young people, and undocumented people. For the sake of achieving these basic and equal human rights, and for reproductive freedom, I urge a stand against this 15-week abortion ban. It is our right to shape our families, to get the health care we need, to decide when or whether we have children and to pursue our life’s path.

Paullette Eddy, West Palm Beach

What's wrong with states' rights?

Actually I am glad Senators Rubio and Scott voted against this bill. Why would any Democrat or Republican vote to move any authority from their state to the dysfunctional federal government? I would like to see more authority come back to the states.

Lois Henrion, Jupiter

Photo ID necessary to vote

I am responding to the individual who had an issue with her mail-in vote. The people working at the elections office are not handwriting experts. Some people have legitimate reasons for mailing in their vote. Too many people are just plan lazy, thus causing excess mail-in votes that need to be verified. It is your right as an American citizen to vote. A photo ID is the fair and honest way of voting. An ID is necessary to avoid voter fraud. Everyone in this country needs to use a photo ID for something at some point in time. Why is this so hard to understand?

Paula Kimball, Wellington

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Today's Republican Party no longer the party of Ronald Reagan