Hauteans march, pray for Israel

Oct. 28—A small group of Hauteans met downtown Saturday afternoon to demonstrate their support of Israel, which was attacked by Hamas on Oct. 7 and which later called for a "full siege" of the Gaza Strip.

The group that numbered about 25 first met at the steps of the Vigo County Courthouse, where, holding Israeli flags and handmade signs, they circled the block around the Courthouse. Some passing cars honked their support of the demonstration.

They next headed for the amphitheater in Fairbanks Park to worship, pray and listen to music. They prayed for both Israel and its enemies, as well, in a demonstration of God's love.

Lorie Case, who attends the Life Center Church and organized the event, said, "I would've liked to have had 300 here today, but this is good. It's a start."

She said when she went to bed on the Wednesday evening after the attack, "I just couldn't get it off my mind, so I was praying about it. And the next morning, everything just fell into place in my mind and I started making phone calls and making arrangements and [the event] came together in a couple of weeks' time.

"All of us that march today are Christians that love Israel," she added.

Case visited Israel six years ago.

"Seeing the scriptures coming alive, it was just amazing," she said. "King David wrote a psalm, 'As a deer panteth after water, so my soul longeth after Thee.' We went miles and miles into the desert and we found an oasis in the middle of this desert that was amazing and I can just picture King David playing his harp and writing that psalm. It was just beautiful."

America should be praying for Israel, Case said.

"God changes things with prayer, for sure," she said. "And sending support — if you have an organization that you have trust in, then send them your financial support."

Lynn Davidson, who knows Case, said that she has visited Israel many times and has friends there with whom she remains in contact.

"I'm very pro-Israel," she said. "I was surprised and Israel was surprised (by the attack). I believe that there will be a peace, but I definitely agree that Israel has to rid themselves of Hamas' terrorist organization for there to be peace."

She added, "I also believe that later on, it's not going to be just Israel that is attacked. I'm looking for the United States and other places to be attacked, as well."

Davidson said she had visited the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center during the week and that the staff is "on alert."

Raymond Van Vuren, who has visited Israel three times, said, "We were quite surprised — there's always been some tension there, some conflict, but never an attack like this. This was just brutal — murdering innocent civilians in a surprise attack, there's just no call for that. We support Israel in defending itself."

He added, "This is going to change the Middle East immensely. It's something that's going to be in our minds and our hearts for decades to come. It depends on how many other entities get involved."

Van Vuren said that America needs to defend Israel.

"They're one of our biggest allies in the Middle East," he said. "It's important that we show that we're a force to be reckoned with. I think America's gotten weak. The impression of the world is that America's gotten weak and we've got to change that. There's got to be some military support, not only with weapons and supplies, but also if they need help on the ground, there's no excuse not to go in."

Van Vuren said he visited Jordan's Mount Nebo — which God told Moses was the promised land — in 2020.

"It gives you a whole new perspective about, 'This is God's people and this is what we need to honor,'" he said. "Hopefully this will resolve itself in peaceful ways later on, I hope."

John Randall, who participated in the march in a motorized wheelchair while he wife Judy used a walker, isn't so sure.

"Everybody seems to hate Israel," said Randall, who a member of Sugar Creek Baptist Church. "It's leading up to war and the outcome will probably be ... the battle of Armageddon. We're rapidly running down to the end of the world."

Case said Armageddon would not occur "until there's three and a half years of peace and safety, because that comes before. We haven't had three and a half years of peace and safety. That will definitely come first."

Still, she said, "There's going to be some very intense times on the earth before Jesus returns. We know that because it's in God's word. God set it up that way so He can get as many people as possible to turn to Him."

On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the second stage of the war against Hamas had begun.

David Kronke can be reached at 812-231-4232 or at david.kronke@tribstar.com.