Health care law is alive despite Trump's 2-year drive to kill it. So sign up for insurance.

The website, Washington, D.C., Oct. 31, 2018.
The website, Washington, D.C., Oct. 31, 2018.

If you want to buy individual health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, you need to do it by Saturday. Yes, this law is still with us. But while President Donald Trump’s two-year effort to destroy it has failed, his many smaller actions have made Americans less secure and ultimately less able to meet their fundamental health care needs.

During Trump’s first year in office, the uninsured rate increased for the first time since 2010. This is bad for Americans and their health. It's also politically bad for Trump, and getting worse.

Trump’s health care approach has been a lot like his environmental policy with its reliance on fossil fuels: stuck in a destructive past. He aims to flood the market with what the ACA outlawed — Swiss cheese-like insurance that only covers what an insurance company wants and doesn’t require affordable coverage, or any coverage, of pre-existing conditions. Not only is Trump defying what Americans say they want, he ignores significant changes in our medical needs that have occurred over the last several decades.

New reality is we accumulate chronic conditions

In prior generations, an illness was something simply to be survived. Today, thanks to modern medicine, with treatment, we survive more that happens to us. But the result, as my friend and noted author Dr. Atul Gawande says, is that life has become "the accumulation of chronic illnesses." We want to not only survive, but thrive, and to maintain our health requires more comprehensive medication, treatment and monitoring. In this world, quality health insurance is as fundamental as food and shelter.

More chronic diseases mean we need more help from the medical system along the way. Some of the biggest risks of early death in our country are mental health issues like suicide and addiction and chronic illnesses like hypertension and diabetes. We need insurance to take care of ourselves as more and more happens to us.

In my own family of four, three of us have medical conditions. Before the ACA, they would have made us uninsurable. Two of us have conditions that require careful monitoring from specialists and take prescription drugs that few could afford without the cost protections in the ACA. The third would be uninsurable because of a childhood illness that has since gone away. But before the ACA, that illness was excluded from any policy we could buy.

We are typical; 130 million Americans have a pre-existing condition of some sort.

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The ACA was designed for this new reality. There’s no wondering whether prescription drugs are covered. If something happens, I don’t need to read the fine print and see if the insurance company imposed an arbitrary limit that won’t cover an illness. Unlike Trump’s Swiss cheese plans, the ACA requires the essential benefits be covered and outlaws any lifetime policy limits.

And there’s another important way the ACA was designed for our modern world. I’m like millions of others today who don’t work for a large company with health benefits. More than half of America's smallest employers don't offer insurance, and many 20- and 30-somethings are growing up in the “gig economy.”

Before the ACA, the federal government would give a tax break for your health insurance costs, but only if your employer provided those benefits. Since the ACA, Americans buying insurance on their own can get a tax break depending on their income. Being between jobs, pursuing a new business idea, going back to school to improve your lot — none of this disqualifies you from affordable health insurance any longer.

Insurance is now affordable for millions of Americans. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, 4.2 million uninsured Americans can get get ACA coverage at $0 premium. Any responsible government would do everything possible to notify those Americans and others in similar circumstances. Trump, instead, has virtually eliminated all the budget and most personnel for outreach and assistance. As a result, most Americans aren’t aware that Saturday is the last day to sign up for coverage.

Coverage decline likely to continue under Trump

Under President Barack Obama, the uninsured rate dropped year after year, from 17 percent to 10 percent in 2016. That trend has begun to reverse itself since Trump entered the Oval Office. The number of uninsured jumped by 700,000 people in 2017. Largely driven by these efforts to stifle awareness during this Open Enrollment cycle, this decline is likely to continue through Trump’s term.

To many Americans, the Affordable Care Act represents a minimum to build on, not a destination. Exit polls from the midterm elections indicate that health care has become a core voter concern driving who sits not only in Congress, but in governor’s mansions, state legislatures and come 2020, likely the White House.

Trump has spent two years denying the important and irreversible trends in medical care and what people need for their health security. He has failed to kill the ACA, but he's eroding our progress step by step. If Americans losing health coverage won't move him, maybe the prospect of losing in 2020 will.

Andy Slavitt, a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, is a former health care industry executive who ran the Affordable Care Act and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services from 2015 to 2017. Follow him on Twitter: @ASlavitt

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Health care law is alive despite Trump's 2-year drive to kill it. So sign up for insurance.