Your health: Tips and tricks on preventing, treating tick bites

Spring is in full bloom, which means it is time to pull out your gardening gear, plant those annuals, and enjoy the warm outdoors.

Krutika Simon
Krutika Simon

I recently sat outside with our beloved dog and enjoyed my woodsy backyard. But as I was admiring our pup, listening to the sounds of nature, I groaned when I saw the too familiar eight-legged brown tick moseying into the depths of my dog's fur. Lucky for us, he is on a monthly tick prevention and treatment medication. I thought back to my time in pharmacy school where I first really learned about ticks — and that humans can get them, too. This spring I want to give you some advice on how to prevent and treat tick bites.

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Ticks are a type of mite that live in wooded and shady areas. They peak in the months of May through August, when the temperature and humidity rise, and can bite animals and humans. Ticks are so small that you may not know for days that you have been bitten. They bury their heads into human skin and have to be removed in a careful manner.

Here are some tips to prevent tick bites:

  • When outdoors use preventatives such as oil of lemon eucalyptus, insect repellents that contain picardin (products such as Off! or Sawyer). Be mindful of patient age (read the back of the product label).

  • Wear light-colored clothing, shoes, pants and socks (pull them over your pant legs!)

  • Avoid brushy, wooded areas if you can.

Identify and treat a tick bite using the following steps:

  • Perform daily tick checks if you are a hiker or live in a wooded area.

  • If you find an attached tick, use tweezers to pull upward on it (do not twist), grabbing it as close to the skin as possible to remove.

  • Clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.

  • Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol or a sealed bag.

Avoid ineffective remedies that you may have learned in the past, such as painting the tick with nail polish or using petroleum jelly.

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One of the most serious and concerning diseases (amongst many) transmitted by ticks is Lyme disease — a bacterial infection that is carried by an infected tick. Symptoms include fatigue, headache and a characteristic rash (a circular expanding rash with a circular crust). If left untreated it can lead to further complications of the joints and the heart. The most important advice I can give is to make sure you visit a health care provider if you exhibit the above symptoms. Treatment can be as simple as a few days of antibiotics or a few weeks in more severe cases.

I hope you enjoy this spring by taking in the fresh air, tending to your garden or walking around beautiful Bloomington!

Krutika Simon is a pharmacist based in Bloomington with a focus on health and wellness and specialty medications. You can contact her at

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Following these steps can help you avoid tick-borne diseases