A healthy lifestyle could help prevent dementia

Every three seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with a type of dementia, which is the general term for the loss of memory, language and ability to make decisions enough that it impacts everyday life. Caused by damage to brain cells, dementia is becoming increasingly more common and a leading cause of disability and dependency among older Americans. However, evidence suggests living a healthy lifestyle could help prevent severe cognitive decline and a dementia diagnosis.

Today, there’s no cure for dementia so our best course of action is to prevent the condition from developing. Making a lifelong commitment to healthy living is our best bet for reducing the risk of dementia and increasing our quality of life.

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I see patients of all ages, but I highly recommend these lifestyle changes for all of my adult patients to prevent dementia and live healthier lives:

  • Eat fresh food: A regular diet of processed and packaged foods is associated with a higher risk of dementia according to the American Academy of Neurology. Keep your brain and body healthy with whole fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean protein.

  • Learn new things: Continuously challenge your mind with new activities and hobbies. Mental exercises like puzzles, card games or painting can help maintain cognitive function.

  • Manage blood pressure levels: High blood pressure, or hypertension, can damage blood vessels in the brain, and if left unchecked could also lead to serious conditions like heart attack and stroke.

  • Remain social: Keep up with family, friends or get involved in your community through clubs and other organizations. Maintaining a social life can greatly benefit memory, ward off loneliness and improve mental health.

  • Stay active: Cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain and reduces the risk of cognitive decline. Just 30 minutes a day, five times a week of moderate exercise helps to maintain mental sharpness and improve overall health.

An extreme deterioration in cognitive abilities is not a normal part of the aging process. If you or a loved one are experiencing memory issues, visit www.PecosValleyDocs.com to book an appointment with a primary care provider.

This article originally appeared on Carlsbad Current-Argus: A healthy lifestyle could help prevent dementia