Hebrew Academy

Specialization if any: Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School

Address, phone and website: 2400 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33140; 305-532-6421; https://www.hebrewacademymiami.org/

Grades taught: Infants - 12th

Number of students in the school: 640

Average class size: 17

Student-teacher ratio: 8:1

Annual tuition: $12,925 - $28,980

Application deadline: Applications open mid-November

Affiliations (religious, geographic limits): Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School

Most recent annual student performance scores (high schools only): Class of 2023: 16% of seniors honored with AP Awards; 34 students took 72 AP Exams, with an average score of 3.47

Percentage that go onto college: 98%

Number of varsity sports teams, with a list of them: 10 teams, including basketball, cross country, flag football, tennis, volleyball.

Number of student-led, faculty-supported clubs, with a list of no more than seven: Environmental Club, National Junior Honor Society, National Honors Society, Robotics League, Chess Club, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Friendship Circle

Percentage of students who identify as Hispanic, Black or multicultural: 18%

Percentage of students who receive financial aid; average grant/scholarship size: 60%; average grant size not available

Accrediting body of school: Association of Independent Schools of Florida (AISF), COGNIA, National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).