Still waiting on your 2020 unemployment tax refund? Help available | Betty Lin-Fisher

Jan. 9, 2023 update: Click here for the latest column with more up-to-date-information.

There’s some potential good news for the unknown number of Americans – but potentially millions – waiting for their 2020 unemployment tax refunds from the IRS.

The best news would be if all of those who have been waiting almost two years would have their refunds in hand.

The next best news, especially in the wake of most who are just waiting without many updates, is that the consumer advocacy arm of the IRS will accept their applications to help them get their refunds.

More:Wait for 2020 unemployment tax refunds from IRS continues| Betty Lin-Fisher

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent agency within the IRS that “helps taxpayers resolve their IRS account issues, advocates on behalf of taxpayers, and works towards systemic change to mitigate taxpayer problems,” according to the information on its website. 

In my column two weeks ago, I gave some updates from the national Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins. She acknowledged in a blog post that there are under 8 million tax returns in the IRS backlog. Those returns are on hold for a multitude of reasons and no one knows for sure how many are in the same predicament as retired Beacon Journal columnist Bob Dyer and others I've featured in previous columns. But it’s believed to potentially be in the millions.

Bob Dyer, shown in a picture from June 2022, is a retired Akron Beacon Journal metro columnist. He was often referred to as the "columnist with an attitude."
Bob Dyer, shown in a picture from June 2022, is a retired Akron Beacon Journal metro columnist. He was often referred to as the "columnist with an attitude."

As I mentioned in the last column, the official answer from the IRS isn’t much of an answer. The answer is they know there’s an “unknown number” of people waiting and there’s no update on the timeline.

Why is there a delay with unemployment tax refunds?

As a refresher, here’s what happened with Dyer’s predicament, though many others I’ve heard from are in the same scenario.

On Feb. 19, 2021, Dyer filed his federal taxes electronically. He owed $2,559 and mailed in a check, which was promptly cashed, he said.

In the summer of 2020, Dyer and other employees of Beacon Journal and Gannett, our corporate parent, had to take several one-week furloughs. We filed for unemployment benefits for those furlough weeks.

On March 11, 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act, which among other things allowed taxpayers to exclude from taxable income up to $10,200 in unemployment compensation paid in 2020 if your modified adjusted gross income was less than $150,000.

But taxpayers affected by this change were told not to amend their taxes if they had already filed.

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The IRS said it would automatically refund money — or apply the refund to tax debts — for people who already filed their tax return reporting unemployment compensation as taxable income.

Dyer in August got a letter replying to his May 2022 inquiry that the IRS needed another 60 days. In October, he got another letter saying the IRS needed 60 days.

What’s new?

After my deadline for my last column, I received a follow-up email from the public relations contact at the Taxpayer Advocate Service in Washington, D.C. I had been working with her to confirm whether the agency could help people like Dyer and others.

From the Frequently Asked Questions I found on the advocate’s website, it did not appear that Dyer and others were eligible for assistance.

However, the media contact confirmed the Taxpayer Advocate Service can now help taxpayers who are still waiting for their unemployment tax refund if the automated process didn’t work.

“TAS didn’t take UI (unemployment insurance) exclusion cases while the IRS was in the early stages of adjusting accounts through automation, but we began to accept them when the IRS had largely completed its process and it seemed likely a taxpayer whose account was not adjusted had fallen through the (automated) cracks,” the media contact told me. 

I also received a phone message from Marlene Fitts, the Taxpayer Advocate for the service’s Cleveland office. Fitts said she had read my column and wanted to know if I could help her get in touch with Dyer so her office could help him.

After independently confirming she was legitimate — Dyer and I both said it would be a bad thing if the consumer columnist got the former columnist with an attitude scammed — I connected Dyer and Fitts.

Fitts said the TAS can only help if the “automated processes didn’t work." In other words, for taxpayers who filed their original 2020 taxes as normal and then found out they could get a refund for unemployment based on the updated rules, but were told to leave things alone and not amend anything.

Bob Dyer’s response to his late unemployment tax refund

Dyer said he was grateful some help might be on the way, but he's still frustrated.

"Well, the good news is that Ms. Fitts called me back promptly and was polite and apologetic. The bad news: She said it 'could take a few months to resolve,'" he said.

"She gave me the name of a case advocate in her office and said the advocate would call me on Dec. 16 to give me an update on where things stand.

"I really do appreciate that she has gotten involved, but the bottom line for me is that after waiting 21 months, it is STILL going to take another two or three months for them to process a routine refund. Helluva way to run a railroad."

Who do you contact if you still need help with your unemployment tax refund?

If you are a taxpayer in Northeast Ohio waiting on your unemployment tax refund and the automated process didn't work, you should file a complaint with the Taxpayer Advocate Service in Cleveland. There are two offices in Ohio: one in Cleveland and one in Cincinnati. There are also other TAS offices around the country and you can find them all on the TAS website. If you live outside of Ohio, find the office closest to you. The website is and the Cleveland office phone number is 216-415-3460.

If you have a different individual problem with the IRS, the TAS may also be able to help. More details are on the website to help you determine if you can register a complaint. All services are free.

What’s the turnaround time for unemployment tax refunds?

The national site for the TAS says there is a possibility it may take up to four weeks to initially respond to an inquiry due to a “high volume of assistance requests due to tax return processing delays.”

Fitts said her Cleveland office may take up to three months to complete a case, but they are pretty much caught up now, so they should be able to respond to cases as they come in.

Beacon Journal staff reporter Betty Lin-Fisher can be reached at 330-996-3724 or Follow her @blinfisherABJ on Twitter or To see her most recent stories and columns, go to 

This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Help for those waiting for unemployment tax refunds