Help needed at Escape from Wonderland, All-Options and Best Buddies leadership conference

The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network is your source for information about volunteering locally. For a complete listing, visit or call 812-349-3433. The inclusion of an organization in this list does not imply City endorsement or support of the organization’s activities or policies. Information and registration information for the following opportunities can be found online at

Escape from Wonderland

Volunteers 16 years and older are needed to help Bloomington Parks and Recreation with the upcoming Escape from Wonderland event. This exciting event presents the community a chance to join together to solve mysteries, riddles and puzzles in order to “escape from Wonderland.” Multiple two- or three-hour shifts are available on June 3, 4 and 10 in Lower Cascades Park. Volunteer duties include assisting groups through the events. Assisting with setting up challenges and resetting them between groups, group check-in and other event aspects as necessary. Volunteers under the age of 18 must have an Underage Waiver of Liability signed by a parent or guardian. Learn more, download a waiver and sign up for a shift at For additional questions, contact Bill Ream at

All-Options diaper distribution volunteer

All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center is a program of All-Options, a national nonprofit organization that has been creating space for people to find unconditional and judgment-free support since 2004. The Hoosier Diaper Program (HDP) provides diapers, wipes and other essential supplies to local families. Diapers are distributed contact-free (curbside) every Wednesday from noon to 7 p.m. via the All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center (AOPRC) at 1014 S. Walnut St. All Options follows CDC guidelines and health and safety precautions (masking, sanitizing, distancing) when working physically in the center. Typically, a volunteer with HDP would have 5-10 hours of work each month. A typical shift would involve packing up diaper and supply kits for clients and helping keep the shelves stocked. To learn more about this opportunity and sign up visit For additional questions, contact Jessica Marchbank, state programs manager, at 812-558-0089, ext. 2, or

Best Buddies International Leadership Conference 2023

Best Buddies Leadership Conference (BBLC) unites Best Buddies leaders, volunteers, and community advocates from around the globe to connect, engage and lead our inclusive movement. BBLC needs 90-100 volunteers to join them at Indiana University in Bloomington, July 21-24 from approximately 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Volunteers will be serving as speech coaches, working with 2-3 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who come to the conference with a speech, or at least an outline, and then work to help these individuals perfect and deliver their speeches by the end of the weekend. Volunteers will need to commit to the entire weekend. Anyone involved in academia, studying to be a teacher, or anyone pursuing a field in the disability arena would be an ideal match for this opportunity. Learn more at For more questions, contact

Community Wish List Spotlight

Monroe County United Ministries' Wish List

Monroe County United Ministries is open to all who need their assistance in Monroe Country. Through their programs, they seek to serve children, their families and individuals who are in need of affordable childcare, basic needs assistance, financial support and more.

Donations: Donations can be made at 827 W. 14th Court, Bloomington, IN 47404. Staff members are on-site Monday-Friday from noon to 4 p.m. to assist in collecting donations through a contact-less drop-off. When you arrive, please call: 812-339-3429, ext. 14, 15 or 16.

For more information contact: Mary Jean Holwager at 812-339-3429 or

Featured Wishes: canned fruit, Mac N' Cheese, Helper Meals, peanut butter, crackers, paper towels, All-purpose cleaners/wipes, diapers, dish soap, grocery bags, markets, construction paper and more.

View their complete Wish List online at:

Lend a helping hand by volunteering.
Lend a helping hand by volunteering.

You can find current in-kind, material needs on the year-round Community Wish List at

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Volunteers needed: Escape from Wonderland, All-Options, Best Buddies