Helping an itchy pet | Pet Peeves

Lately it seems that 70% of the pets I see are itching. Any dog that has ever had any problems with allergic dermatitis before seems to be having a flare up right now. Could it be a resurgence of fleas? Could it be the warm weather after a truly cold winter triggering plant growth and pollen right now?

Yes, I am sure these both play a part in contributing to the symptoms that our pets are demonstrating. When a pet is allergic to fleas, it only takes one flea bite to create the intense itching that causes hair loss, pink skin and, sometimes, deep sores.

Flea control has come a long way in a short time, but fleas are resilient. When we drop our guard and quit treating for them, they always return. We have talked a lot in the past about the various flea products, so today I will address the concerns of toxicity in flea medications.

The best and safest flea preventatives are still to be found at your veterinarian’s office. I received a complaint from a reader that I do not put the dangers of flea preventatives in my column. I would say that the testing required by the companies that veterinarians trust is far superior to many of the over-the-counter products. Even the over-the-counter products have potential side effects. I can honestly say that the pets that I have had to treat for toxicity from flea treatments have been caused by over-the-counter products. “Over-the-counter” means flea treatment you buy at the store without any veterinary supervision.

Anything you use to kill parasites is going to be an insecticide of sorts. Keep this in mind and do your own research. Read the warning labels. Err on the side of caution. Using multiple flea treatments at the same time also can cause problems. It is natural to want to eliminate all of the fleas immediately, but be careful not to blitz your environment with all kinds of pesticides along with whatever you put on your pet. Your dog walks around on the ground, soaking up chemicals on its paws and swallowing them when it chews its feet. Go slow and use pesticides within reason.

The best way to keep fleas under control is to be consistent. Monthly application of a safe, veterinary approved flea treatment can keep fleas at bay. If you begin to see fleas while your pet is on medication, they are getting resistant. Consult your doctor and change to a different product.

Getting back to the causes of itchiness, remember pollens and mold? The first line of defense would be a good medicated bath. Bathing an itchy dog with a soothing or medicated shampoo can reduce the inflammation and sometimes take care of the problem. Benadryl can be given at a dose of approximately 1 milligram per pound. Benadryl comes in 25 mg caplets or a children’s elixir of 12.5 mg per teaspoon. A 12-pound dog can get 1 teaspoon — or ½ of a tablet — twice a day. A 25-pound dog can take one 25 mg caplet twice a day. If the dog is more than 50 pounds, I would not go over two 25 mg caplets twice a day. It is better to use the lowest amount possible. Benadryl also is very helpful if your pet experiences hives or an allergic reaction secondary to a bug bite. When using Benadryl for hives, the dose is going to be 1 mg per pound. So, a 75-pound dog will require three 25 mg Benadryl tablets.

If your pet develops open sores from itching, topical ointments such as Neosporin can be helpful in the healing process; but when the problem has progressed to that level, your veterinarian should be consulted for treatment. Dealing with an allergic pet is never going to be easy, but with trial and error, ways to keep the itching to a minimum can be found.

This article originally appeared on Northwest Florida Daily News: Helping an itchy pet | Pet Peeves