Henderson project manager overcomes obstacles, wins national engineering award

From a young age, Dylan Ward always enjoyed math, science and problem-solving. He also liked using his imagination to build new things. Somewhere along the line, it was suggested that he consider becoming an engineer and he never looked back.

In fact, Ward, project manager for the city of Henderson, Kentucky, was named co-recipient of the 2022 New Professional of the Year Award, sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). This national award recognizes a young engineer who has made outstanding contributions to the engineering profession and the community during the early years of his or her career.

Ward shared the award with Holly Ahumada, a professional engineer and certified floodplains manager in Fort Worth, Texas.

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Ward has been in his role for the past eight years. He oversees the engineering, mass transit, and safety/training divisions. He also serves as the project manager for numerous community projects, most notable of which are a new headquarter fire station and a new sports complex.

At the end of 2021, Ward and his wife Hannah made the decision to eventually move their family to El Salvador to perform mission work in a highly impoverished area. More recently, however, they welcomed the newest addition to their family in May with the birth of their son, Caleb, who was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect known as HLHS. Upon receiving this news, Ward and his family temporarily relocated to Cincinnati so that their son could receive the level of care needed for his survival. Caleb underwent successful open-heart surgery at just three days old.

Following is a Q and A with Ward. It has been edited for length and clarity.

What does it mean to win a national honor? Can you describe the project that won the award?

This is the first national award I have ever received, so for me, it is a huge honor, and I am very grateful. After I was selected for the state award, I became our state’s nominee for the national award. With some help from the staff at NSPE-KY, we revised my application and re-submitted it to NSPE (national level) for the national award back in January. The day after we submitted my application, we found out about our son’s condition, and my whole world was turned upside down.

Fast forward a few months to July when my family and I had already moved to Cincinnati for our son’s medical condition, and I received a package in the mail with the national award included, which just so happened to be the day before my birthday. I couldn’t believe it, and I was at a loss for words. Honestly, I had somewhat forgot about it based on our current circumstances.

At this point our family had been living away from home for close to four months, had put our careers on hold, and our son had already undergone one open-heart surgery, was waiting for two more, and had been in the hospital for about ten weeks total by this point. Receiving this award at any other point in my life would have been more than I could have hoped for, however, receiving this award in the midst of such pain and uncertainty was for me a sign of hope. It’s still sort of surreal that I received the award at a time when some good news was much needed.

What was the criteria for winning the award?

  • Collegiate educational and extra-curricular achievements.

  • Professional society activities, positions held, and achievements

  • Technical society activities, positions held, and achievements,

  • Community and humanitarian activities, positions held, and achievements,

  • Career positions after college graduation, and

  • Engineering career achievements.

Do you live in Owensboro and commute to Henderson for your job? Where did you grow up?

Yes, our home is in Owensboro, even though we’ve been temporarily living in Cincinnati for our son since April. Typically, I commute to and from Henderson from Owensboro each day. However, right now I am working remotely on a somewhat reduced schedule. I grew up in Hartford, Kentucky, but I attended Owensboro High School. I commuted 30 minutes each way, every day of high school, and now I do the same for my job in Henderson.

I understand that you had planned to move to El Salvador to do mission work. Is this plan no longer feasible because of your son’s affliction?

Only time will tell. At the end of 2021 is when we made the decision to eventually move to El Salvador to join a mission team already there. Just a couple months later is when we found out about our son’s condition. At the time, our plans were to move to El Salvador within a couple of years.

However, I think it’s fair to say that those plansared on hold for an indefinite amount of time. Our son’s condition, hypoplastic left-heart syndrome (HLHS), requires three open-heart surgeries by age 4, and then there’s always the risk that he could still need a heart transplant at any point along the way. I think until he’s had all three of his open-heart surgeries we won’t really know what to expect for his health long-term.

How do you deal with Caleb’s condition? What is the prognosis?

To make it simple, HLHS basically means that the person only has half of a working heart. The three surgeries are basically a staged reconstruction of the heart so that the one good side of the heart can do all of the work typically done by both sides.

Most of the oldest living survivors with HLHS are only in their 30s, which I found quite discouraging at first, until I learned that a feasible treatment for HLHS has really only been around for that long so they are the pioneers, so to speak.

How do we deal with Caleb’s affliction, is another good question. I don’t mean to sound cliché, but the simple answer is faith. When we first learned on Feb. 1 that our son had HLHS, we were crushed. I broke down and sobbed in the hospital parking lot not understanding what had just happened. Our world had just been turned upside down.

After almost two years of considering it, we had just finally made the decision to engage in full-time mission work in El Salvador, and then this happened. Not only were we mourning the life we wanted for our son and deeply concerned about his future health, but we were also mourning for the humanitarian and mission work that we had hoped to do in El Salvador that we knew may not be possible anymore.

Contact Gordon Engelhardt at Gordon.engelhardt@courierpress.com or on Twitter @EngGordon


This article originally appeared on Henderson Gleaner: Henderson project manager overcomes obstacles, wins engineering award