Hensley: Remembering some of the reasons America is indeed great

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What is it that makes America great? I don’t have enough time or space to list everything, so here are some random personal thoughts as the nation prepares to celebrate its birthday Monday, July 4.

I am grateful for those who have served this country, fought for and protected our freedom and who will spend this holiday away from family members and barbecues and the other things we seem to take for granted. There is something to be said about the values instilled in members of the military. There is something sacred in words like duty, honor and service. Theirs is a powerful example from which many of us could learn.


These men and women, most of whom we don’t even know their names, stand in the gaps because they believe in this country and its greatness. It’s not just a slogan. It’s not just a job. It is more like a calling.

I am thankful to live in a country with a sense of order and peace. I know what you’re thinking. Have you watched the news lately? It can be daunting to read and hear about the “fraying of America” or how the country is “coming apart at the seams.” While we certainly have our challenges, I will take this country over anywhere else every time.

As I recalled reading during our hasty evacuation of Afghanistan last August, no one is trying to get out of America by hanging onto the landing gear of a departing plane, something that was happening there. Much was made this past week of a rock star saying they were going to leave the country because of the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Remember all those celebrities who announced they were going to pack up and leave if Donald Trump were elected president? I don’t think any of them ever left (despite numerous offers to help them).

People who command millions of dollars making movies or music or playing professional sports can afford to say such outrageous things in the interest of provocative self-promotion. They don’t travel in the same circles as men and women across the country doing the best they can to take care of families and make ends meet. While celebrities are busy living large, millions of Americans are trying to figure out what they will have to do without at the grocery store this week.

I am more interested in what people have to say who are earnestly trying to solve problems or genuinely working to improve a situation. I admire people who quietly and humbly go about their life day after day. We have a lot of these people around. You know some of them, too. They aren’t about calling attention to themselves. They just show up and get things done. They make America great.

There’s a line in “The Dark Knight” movie that goes something like this: “Some people just want to watch the world burn.” It seems these days that two of our most prevalent spectator sports are (in no particular order) being critical and being offended.

It’s easy to bad-mouth America, but it is a basic freedom to be able to criticize this country openly and freely. That’s their opinion? Great. Now, try moving somewhere else (like China) and being openly critical of your lot in life. See you at the gulag. Maybe.

This country is great. It has a complicated history and it has its share of problems today, but that doesn’t mean the grass is any greener anywhere else. It’s not. Almost 250 years ago, people in this country threw off the shackles of their British overseers and began working to “form a more perfect union.” That’s been a prevailing sentiment in the years since.

When the calendar flips to July 4, I am grateful to call America home. I am grateful to call West Texas home. This is a great place to raise a family. It’s a great place to make a life, and it’s a great place to try and make a difference.

I read a piece by Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan recently that suggested the country is in desperate need of heroes. There might be something to that, although would be quick to point out that many times a hero is in the eye of the beholder. There are those who considered former President Donald Trump a hero. Likewise with former President Barack Obama. Maybe it’s best to veer away from the political lane on this one as politics can sometimes grab hold of a person and never let them loose.

 We can always use a few more heroes, even if the word has a negative connotation to some. I noticed the past week or so we’ve lost a few mighty heroes here in Lubbock. First was Lou Diekemper, a lady who with her husband Ray, simply got things done. Their primary legacy is the local food bank, although they touched lots of lives. The same is true for Kenneth Wallace, gifted athlete and exceptional coach and administrator. Then there was Alvin Davis (acknowledged elsewhere on these pages) whose contributions to the cowboy culture are significant. And finally Marciano Morales, the very embodiment of a community leader and local philanthropist.

So, yes, we have some big shoes to fill, but we also have a lot to be thankful for. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They come from all walks of life, and they come with one primary objective – to leave the world a better place than they found it.

There will always be those people who see the dark lining in every silver cloud. They will rarely be happy, and in some cases, may even be rooting for things to get worse. That is their right, and that is part of what makes this country great – whether they know it or not.

      Doug Hensley is associate regional editor and director of commentary at the Avalanche-Journal. He can be reached at dhensley@lubbockonline.com.

This article originally appeared on Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Doug Hensley remembering some of the reasons America is indeed great