Herald picks up eight newspaper awards

Feb. 3—DES MOINES — The Clinton Herald received eight awards at the 2023 Iowa Newspaper Association's annual awards ceremony Thursday in Des Moines.

"I am very proud of our team and the recognition from these awards," said Clinton Herald Publisher Ron Gutierrez. "Iowa has 242 newspapers and is one of five states that has at least one newspaper in every county. Recognition from these awards is a waymarker for success in the local market we serve."

The Herald's awards include:

—Best Ad Featuring Miscellaneous, first place.

—Best Newspaper Website, second place.

—Best Newspaper Marketing, second place.

—Best Advertising Series or Campaign Featuring Any Service or Merchandise Category, second place.

—Best Ad Designer: second place, Shanelle Yahn; third place, Stephen Peters.

—Best News Story: third place, Charlene Bielema.

—Best Ad Featuring Furniture, Furnishings, Appliances or Hardware, third place.

Approximately 2,500 entries in dozens of categories were judged by class, based on circulation. Daily Class I is for newspapers published daily with 5,000 circulation and under, Daily Class II is for newspapers published daily with 5,001 circulation and above.

Weekly Class I is for newspapers published weekly with 875 circulation and under. Weekly Class II, 876 to 1,550 circulation; Weekly Class III, 1,551 and above circulation. The Clinton Herald competes in Weekly Class III.

The Ackley World Journal was named the Iowa Newspaper Association 2023 "Newspaper of the Year." The Iowa Better Newspaper Contest was judged by the North Carolina Press Association.