Here's the month-by-month plan as Newport, Middletown aim to educate public on school merger

After weeks of requests from elected officials and community members asking for more information on how a regional school district would impact the city of Newport and town of Middletown, the municipalities have released their contract and community engagement plan to the public.

Newport City Manager Joseph Nicholson and Middletown Town Administrator Shawn Brown, alongside the Rhode Island Department of Education and Brown University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform, finalized a contract with Woolpert Strategic Consulting on May 24.

The $337,380 contract includes a timeline for when certain aspects of the project will be completed between May, when the contract began, and November, when voters could potentially head to the polls to decide on the proposed merger. 

Nicholson said the city and town each would pay the fees for the consultant, though he expects RIDE to reimburse the municipalities for most of the costs.

Members of the Newport City Council, School Committee and administration meet jointly for a workshop on proposed school regionalization on May 31 at City Hall.
Members of the Newport City Council, School Committee and administration meet jointly for a workshop on proposed school regionalization on May 31 at City Hall.

Nicholson gave an overview of the scope of services and community engagement plan outlined by Woolpert at a City Council workshop on May 31. Nicholson and Brown will be a part of the Steering Committee for the project, which also will include elected officials from both municipalities, and the effort will involve at least six subcommittees, designed to help with different aspects of the information-gathering process.

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So far, there will be a Financial Committee, Education Committee, Communications Committee, Website Committee and Outreach Committee, all led by the Steering Committee.

Here is a month-by-month look at how the process is expected to play out:


The first opportunity for public engagement will be on June 20, Nicholson said at the workshop. The Steering Committee will host the first of three community sessions to take place over June, July and August at a yet-to-be-determined time and place.

Woolpert’s timeline and scope of work summary also indicates there will be at least one virtual community engagement workshop during each month over the summer.

A community engagement survey will be developed by the end of June, according to the group’s timeline, which will be used alongside the public sessions to elicit more feedback from attendees.

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On the non-public facing front, the group will have completed its financial analysis by the end of June, according to the scope of services summary. Woolpert’s plan is to discover any potential cost savings associated with combining the Newport and Middletown school districts by preparing two different models for how the regional school district could operate, and seeing where the two separate districts could be saving money on capital expenses and operating costs as a result.


Woolpert and the Steering Committee plan to have a website ready by the end of July, which will have a frequently asked questions section, provide updates and a schedule of events, offer links to recorded community sessions and contain a feedback section for community members to ask questions.

The group also plans to explore educational program opportunities and compile a draft report by the end of July. This draft report is expected to contain three to five case studies on school districts that have regionalized before and include a list of “best practices” for regionalization, which could include ideas for budgeting, educational programs, school committee selection and “facility consolidation."

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However, Nicholson confirmed during the workshop there are no plans to combine high schools at this time.


The last community engagement session and virtual session will take place in August and the firm expects to finalize its report to deliver to the two municipalities. This month is also the deadline to submit the ballot question to the Secretary of State’s office so it can be put before Newport and Middletown voters in November.

September and October

The group is planning to host at least three “listening sessions” and two virtual listening sessions during these two months. These sessions are designed to inform the electorate on the data and information collected by the municipalities and the consulting firm before election d.


If all goes according to the municipalities’ plans, and the question to regionalize the school districts is included on the ballot in November, it will be up to Newport and Middletown voters to decide whether to combine their districts.

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Newport Middletown regional school district merger plan