Heritage Museum announces holiday raffle, bazaar winners

Feb. 10—The Heritage Museum has announced the winners of its holiday raffle and bazaar, held just before Christmas.

Heron's Sandy Compton won the first raffle prize of $400 cash, which was donated by Edward Jones Investments. Compton donated $50 back to the museum.

Also, Elsie Kinden won the second prize — four $25 gift cards to Kaiju Bar & Grill. Bonnie Edmundson won the third prize and Grant Rider won the fourth, each a basketful of items donated by vendors at the Holiday Bazaar.

At the holiday bazaar, Cheryl Stern claimed a 7-night stay at Pend O'Reille Shores Resort (donated by the resort). The Customer Appreciation Prize, a basketful of items donated by the vendors at the holiday bazaar, was won by Carol Uptagrafft.