Hero binman saves two people and dog from house fire during morning rounds

Steve Whitehouse spotted the blaze at a maisonette in Ridgeway Road, Tipton, West Midlands, on Tuesday morning.

The maisonette in Ridgeway Road, Tipton, caught fire after an e-bike battery exploded. (SWNS)
The maisonette in Ridgeway Road, Tipton, West Midlands, caught fire after an e-bike battery exploded. (SWNS)

Fire bosses have praised the “incredible bravery” of a binman who rescued two people and a dog who were trapped inside a burning building – all while on his morning rounds.

Steve Whitehouse, 49, was on his morning shift on Tuesday when he and bin lorry driver Kevin Marriott spotted a blaze at a maisonette in Ridgeway Road, Tipton, West Midlands. Whitehouse said he saw a woman screaming from the balcony and immediately leapt into action.

He leapt over a fence and climbed up a wall to reach the first-floor of the property, to reach the woman as the flames quickly took hold. The Serco employee saved the woman's life before clambering back up two more times to rescue a man and his dog before fire crews arrived at the scene.

Kevin Marriott (left) and Steve Whitehouse (right), rescued two people and a dog from the fire. (SWNS)
Kevin Marriott (left) and Steve Whitehouse (right), rescued two people and a dog from the fire. (SWNS)
Firefighters put out the blaze after those inside were rescued. (SWNS)
Firefighters put out the blaze after those inside were rescued. (SWNS)

The father-of-one, of Yew Tree, West Bromwich, recalled: “The smoke was getting thicker. I called to anyone else who might be inside and could hear a young man shouting in distress for his dog.

"I managed to bundle up the dog in a blanket, jumped back down to the ground, and got the owner to throw the dog to me. I then went back up to help him.”

Once Whitehouse had completed the rescues, he started banging on neighbours’ doors to alert them to the danger as smoke billowed from the property. Marriott tended to neighbours who were evacuated their homes and after "recovering with a coffee" the pair continued with their round.

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Whitehouse added: “I wanted to be sure that all our customers got their collections. But that’s just me – it will probably sink in later today what actually happened."


Fire bosses have praised Whitehouse and said the outcome could have been "very different" if Whitehouse hadn’t sprung into action.

Tipton watch commander Chris Green said: “I have no idea how he managed to do what he did. It was heroic. The fire and smoke were coming out of the property’s rear door like a blow torch.

“One rescue would have been remarkable. To save the lives of two people and a dog is staggering.”

Whitehouse will be put forward for official recognition, Green added.

The inside of the maisonette was left devastated following the blaze. (SWNS)
The inside of the maisonette was left devastated following the blaze. (SWNS)

The cause of the fire was a an e-bike battery explosion at the maisonette. The electric bicycle had been charging at the bottom of the stairs – cutting off the occupants’ escape route as flames came out the property "like a blow torch".

Fire crews gave first aid to a man in his 20s before he was taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke. A woman, also in her 20s, was checked over at the scene by paramedics. The dog was given oxygen therapy by firefighters.

How to charge an e-bike battery safely

The Fire Brigade advice on e-bikes is to always buy a reputable and street-legal brand. These bikes should also be bough with their approved batteries and chargers from reputable brands and from reputable retailers.

The chances of a fire from charging a battery is greatly reduced if you stick to this advice. The risks come from buying chargers and batteries online or using modification kits that turn the electric bikes into something more like an enelctric moped.

E-bike batteries should be stored at room temperature, and bikes should not therefore be left in direct sunlight during summer months. Batteries should be charged between 30% and 70% as much as possible.

When charging, do not leave the battery for long periods and check the charge status of the battery every month. You should always use the correct charger – the one that the battery and bike came with, and not a third-party charger bought online.

inserting e-bike battery on frame
Care should be taken when charging an e-bike battery. (PA)

The battery should be kept cleaned removed from the bike before cleaning. Do not use a water jet on the term and keep electrical components from getting wet. It is also a good idea to clean plug terminals.

You should take the battery to the store where you bought it if any repairs are needed and avoid charging when you are asleep or out of your home. Once charged, disconnect the charger and remove the batter, storing both somewhere where a fire can be contained if one breaks out – such as in a shed or garage.

Finally, don’t charge your battery if it’s still hot. If it fails to charge or is swollen, hissing or starts to smell, unplug the charger immediately and visit a specialist store for advice and repairs.

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