In its heyday, Elmira Foundry Company sent electric motors all over the world

When the Elmira Foundry Company plant expanded in 1920, “More than 6,000 men, women, and children of this city were made happy ... when the management and employees collaborated to give an entertainment, reception and dance," according to the Star-Gazette.

There was a procession of 118 new American citizens. The Polish choir of St. Casimir’s Church was in their native costumes, and the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Church choir and the young women of St. Anthony’s Italian Catholic Church sang in their native languages.

It is difficult to imagine such a scene today. The origin of the Elmira Foundry goes back to 1901, when John Frost, of Watkins Glen, assigned patents for a heater to four Elmira men. Their first plant was in the “basement” of the building at 165 Lake St. In late 1905, the company became the Elmira Heater and Foundry Co. and relocated to the Payne plant, which became the site of Remington Rand.

In 1906, the company relocated to the corner of Woodlawn and College avenues and built its first foundry. In 1916, a second foundry was built, and the company became affiliated with General Electric. The aforementioned celebration was for the opening of the third and largest foundry at the plant in 1920.

General Electric would acquire full interest in the plant in 1948, and the name became the Elmira Works of GE.

James E. McCann was one of the organizers of the Elmira Foundry, and was basically in charge of the company from its founding in 1904 until he retired in 1939. His obituary noted, “He was a descendant of one of the old families in Chemung County.” He was also one of the prime movers in opening the residential section that eventually became the Village of Elmira Heights. When the village was incorporated in 1896, McCann was the treasurer. He served as the second president of the village from 1897 to 1902.

In 1929, McCann announced that the company would go to a five-day week with pay not being affected. He also told the Star-Gazette the company employed about 700 people and that with the new agreement, the “average melt of iron” per day would be approximately 225 tons.

A Dec. 20, 1930 Star-Gazette headline read, “Elmira Foundry Co. Makes Products That Link City With Gateway of World.” The article read, “In Borneo, Japan, England, South America and in places scattered over the globe, electric motors, large and small are spinning daily. The frames of most of these bearing the General Electric label were made in this city by the Elmira Foundry Company … In the mechanism that makes television and talking movies possible, in the ocean liner which noses its prow into the farthest port of civilization, and in the radio which breaks down the barrier of distance, there may be that piece of iron which makes the world akin to Elmira.”

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After 74 years of operation, in June of 1980, General Electric announced it was “studying the plant closing …Technological changes causing a switch from iron to steel castings, declining domestic markets … and the impact of foreign competition” caused business to decline. (Star-Gazette, Feb. 22, 1980).

In November of 1980, Trinity Valley Iron and Steel Company agreed to a six-month option to buy the closed plant.

In less than two years, Trinity bailed out, and in 1990, Marathon Ministries, of Lowell, Massachusetts, was able to acquire the property with “no strings attached.” A ministry for the poor, the organization did not have the capability to maintain, restore or operate at the Trinity site, and eventually was accountable for $140,000 in back taxes.

This happened while I was mayor of Elmira, and my administration decided to foreclose and take control of the property for future development. Under the leadership of City Manager Sam Iraci, over the next few years, the property was cleaned up. The Star-Gazette reported on June 30, 1997 that “It’s taken nearly $700,000 and two and half years to clear the Trinity Foundry site and make it safe for redevelopment.” On Oct. 5, 1997, the paper noted the city had received $3 million in federal aid to get the site ready for redevelopment.

Iraci “said he considered the Trinity project to be a textbook example of how to redevelop brownfields, which are contaminated former industrial sites” (Star-Gazette, July 11, 2001).

In an editorial on July 22, 2008, the Star-Gazette noted that “for proof of what a reclaimed brownfield site can look like, drive by the corner of College and Woodlawn avenues in north Elmira. Today, the complex of offices and businesses looks like it could just as comfortably sit on a plot in Big Flats.”

Jim Hare is a former history teacher and mayor of the City of Elmira. His column appears monthly in the Star-Gazette.

This article originally appeared on Elmira Star-Gazette: Elmira Foundry Company sent electric motors all over the world