Hidden camera catches husband trying to poison his wife's coffee

Therese Kozlowski became suspicious of her husband Brian when she started experiencing extreme fatigue on the days he volunteered to make coffee for both of them, so she decided to hide a small camera in the kitchen to see what he was up to.

What she caught on film made her fall to her knees and sob.

The Michigan couple's marriage was falling apart and Therese had just filed for divorce — news Brian wasn't handling very well. That's when he started regularly crushing up eight sleeping pills and mixing it into Therese's morning coffee day after day. Therese suddenly felt exhausted and had blurry vision, and once almost crashed her car while driving to work after drinking one of Brian's cups of coffee.

When she rewatched her hidden camera's footage, she knew Brian was trying to kill her. She also realized in horror that their daughter was drinking from the same batch of coffee as well.

Brian was arrested immediately.

"I felt a horrible coldness in the air, as if I was being hunted by a dangerous predator. But in this nightmare, the predator was Brian," Therese said at Brian's trial.

But now there's new outrage over Brian's sentencing. Despite the crystal clear evidence of his murder attempt, Brian was only sentenced to five years probation and 60 weekend days in jail.

"[It's] a slap in the face," the prosecutor said in response to the judge's decision.

“To think that the man I fell in love with at 16-years-old and have three beautiful children with would endanger my life was unbelievable," Therese told Macomb Daily.

Watch the video above to see the chilling evidence.