This hidden TV lift cabinet is amazing, and you can build it yourself

Huge HDTVs are great for gaming and for watching movies and TV shows on Netflix or good-old cable. But big-screen TVs come with some space problems. You need TV furniture or wall mounts, and you need to figure out a way to hide all the wires and cables.

If you really want to take it up a notch, you can even consider getting a remote-controlled cabinet that hides your TV in a piece of furniture, but ready-made solutions are insanely expensive. Better yet, if you’re into do-it-yourself projects, you can actually build one yourself, and a series of videos shows you how easy it is.

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Sure, you have to be at least a little savvy with tools to get this DIY project done, and some experience with woodwork certainly won’t hurt. As long as these aren’t obstacles for you, then you’re good to go and we have a great resource worth checking out. Be warned though, that this project is a bit more complicated than assembling something from IKEA, no matter how easy it may look.


Jon Peters of has two great videos on YouTube that show you all the steps required to create a device like the one in the GIF animation above. As you’ll see, the cabinet holds a big-screen TV perfectly, and you can adjust the size to fit your specific television model.

The highly-detailed videos follow below – and while they’re rather long, they’re certainly worth checking out. Meanwhile, a Q&A post about this awesome DIY TV lift cabinet project is available here.

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