What High School Chemistry Taught Mike Novogratz about Bitcoin

Mike Novogratz Bitcoin price
Mike Novogratz Bitcoin price

Bitcoin guru Mike Novogratz went where few have gone in expressing his optimism about the cryptocurrency. Beyond merely referring to it as “digital gold,” he said that its role in the crypto market is akin to gold’s on the periodic table.

Novogratz made that connection on Wednesday on the sidelines of the Milken Institute MENA Summit being held in Abu Dhabi. He discussed some of the reasons that he believes Crypto Winter is finally coming to an end, including the arrival of more institutions in the nascent marketplace.

Novogratz: Bitcoin is [Still] Digital Gold

The periodic table analogy may have caught many off guard. No matter, Novogratz doubled down on explaining why Bitcoin is still like digital gold, even after an 80 percent market crash.

Read the full story on CCN.com.