Highest temperatures in 130 years threaten Italian ski season as heavy rain forecast in French Alps

Ski chair-lift at Cesana Torinese, at the foot of the climb to Sestriere, Italy
Unseasonably high temperatures have led to a lack of snow in ski resorts across northern Italy - Fixed Focus/Alamy

The highest temperatures in 130 years are threatening Italy’s ski season, while heavy rain is expected to hit runs in the French Alps in the coming days.

Italy’s northern region of Piedmont has recorded its warmest December since the 1890s on the back of the country’s hottest autumn in centuries, forcing some winter resorts to shut runs because of a lack of snow.

Bardonecchia, a resort near the French border that is popular with families, has been badly affected by a high-pressure weather system that led to temperatures as high as 16C during December.

“During this period last year, we had four more [slopes] open,” Enrico Rossi, the director of the ski lift company Colomion and the vice-president of the Bardonecchia tourism consortium, told the newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“We have given priority to the beginner slopes, making artificial snow for them. We are postponing the opening of the difficult ones, which are also the least crowded.”

The forced closures came amid unseasonably balmy weather across the region. Turin registered 21.6C on Dec 22, with temperatures rising above 25C in towns elsewhere in Piedmont.

Meanwhile, in France, heavy rain delayed the opening of the ski season in Morzine and Les Gets, with temperatures slightly above average for the time of year.

Despite some light snowfall in the French Alps in recent days, further rain is forecast to wash it away in the coming days.

Bleak midwinter

Luca Mercalli, the president of the Italian Meteorological Society, said that global warming was to blame for the dramatic rise in temperatures and warned of a bleak outlook for Alpine regions.

“The lack of snow in the Alps this December does not surprise me as we have been observing a decreasing trend in the quantity and duration of the snow cover for 30 years,” Mr Mercalli said.

“In the days before Christmas, to find zero degrees celsius you had to go up to almost 3,000 metres [9,900ft] and these are temperatures we normally find in late summer,” he added.

“The continuous increase in temperatures due to global warming will cause a further reduction in the winter season in the future, with more rain and less snow even at high altitudes.”

Resorts, including Terminillo and Ovindoli in the Apennine mountains outside Rome, also complained that inadequate snow cover had forced operators to close slopes despite busy Christmas bookings.

On Wednesday, none of the 21 slopes at Ovindoli were open and the ski school at Terminillo said that it was unable to conduct lessons because of poor snow coverage.

“Compared to the past two years we are seeing a 50 per cent fall in business,” Michele Lando, from Livata Excursions, told the newspaper La Repubblica.

He said trekking, horse riding and cycling were being offered to disappointed skiers as alternatives.

Coldiretti, Italy’s largest agriculture organisation, expressed concern about the impact of above average temperatures on the country’s industry, as well as tourism.

The group, which represents 1.5 million farmers and producers, said that lower snowfall had raised concerns about the risk of drought after the high temperatures recorded throughout 2023.

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