Hike on Crab Orchard Mountain May 21

There will be an outing at Crab Orchard Mountain on Saturday, May 21, led by well-known botanist Larry Pounds.

The walk will cover an open area, a power line area and a forested area with streams and rock formations, according to a news release. These varied habitats will afford an opportunity to see a wide variety of wild flowers; it is hoped that participants will see spreading pogonia (Cleistes bifaria) and prairie lily (Lilium philadelphicum) in flower. They are both beautiful, the orchid in a subtle way and the lily in a very showy way, the release stated.

This event, co-sponsored by Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning and the Tennessee Native Plant Society, is open to the public and free of charge. After the main walk there is a quality wetland that can be visited. Attendees can choose a shuttle or can walk the whole loop using a road-walk portion or turn back early. If COVID-19 prevents a shuttle, we will do an In-and-back-out or complete the loop.

Distance is estimated at three miles for those doing the shuttle and 4.5 for those walking the loop. The trail under the power line is steep in places. Bring water, a lunch, and bug spray.

Meet for carpooling in Oak Ridge at the Gold’s Gym/Books-A-Million parking lot (at the end close to South Illinois Avenue, near Salsarita’s) in time to leave Oak Ridge at 8:45 a.m. Eastern; or meet the group at the Marathon gas station at the I-40 Crab Orchard exit east of Crossville at 10 a.m. Eastern. Your RSVP helps with planning and allows for notification in case of cancellation; contact Larry Pounds at (865) 705-8516 or PoundsL471@aol.com.

This article originally appeared on Oakridger: Hike on Crab Orchard Mountain Saturday