Hillary Clinton Staffers Get Stuck in Campaign Headquarters' Bathroom

Hillary Clinton’s campaign team somehow got locked in the ladies bathroom for half an hour at their Brooklyn headquarters.

Read: Will '13 Hours' Ruin Hillary Clinton's Campaign?

They made light of the situation and tweeted a group selfie.

The Director for Hillary Clinton Communications, Jennifer Palmieri tweeted how they got out:

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor de Blasio is finally endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. He made the declaration on MSNBC on Friday morning.

“I've seen her vision and platform develop over five months and I’m extremely pleased with what she's put on the table, and has a history of fighting issues,” he said.

Read: Hillary Clinton Says She 'Took Responsibility' in Benghazi Attacks During Capitol Hill Hearing

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the target of a scathing New York Times editorial saying that it was "time to go home" and drop out of the presidential race.

"New Jersey is in trouble, and the governor is off pursuing a presidential run that's turned out to be nothing more than a vanity project," the editorial said. 

Appearing on The O'Reilly Factor, Christie fired back, saying: “If The New York Times hates me that must mean I’m getting some place.”

Watch Below: Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton 'Did a Nice Job' Mocking Me on 'SNL'

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