Hillary Clinton's New Twitter Avi Means Business — And She's Not Looking Back

A politician securing the nomination for a major American party is the political equivalent to having a birthday — so Hillary Clinton treated it as such by changing her profile picture.

The former secretary of state's Twitter saw a major facelift just after she presumptively clinched the Democratic nomination as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters continued to feel the Bern with the viral hashtag #StillBernie. Not to be outdone by Sanders, Clinton created her own trend-worthy content, producing the hashtag #HistoryMade with a brand new shareable black and white photo of herself looking upward.

Yes, gone are the days of Clinton's seemingly Microsoft Powerpoint-made campaign logo of a red and blue letter H and an arrow pointing to the right. The logo, which was admittedly one of the less inspiring symbols used in a modern political campaign, is now being replaced by a proper photo of the leading politician. And it doesn't look like she's turning back.

Of course, as is the current state of vitriolic politics and clap backs in the United States, the trending hashtag wasn't without its healthy dose of trolling:

There's no telling whether Clinton will continue to use her current logo through the general election, or if its simply a celebratory switch up after securing the Democratic nomination. The right-pointed letter H hasn't disappeared — multiple logos were present behind Clinton during her speech in California on Tuesday night, along with American flags.

Hillary Clinton's New Twitter Avi Means Business — And She's Not Looking Back
Source: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images