Hillsdale College hosts annual Day of Thanks

The Hillsdale College Student Activities Board, the 1844 Society, and the Alumni Office invited students to the Grewcock Student Union just before Thanksgiving for the College’s annual Day of Thanks card-writing event. From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., students dropped by to write and address cards to friends, family, donors, professors and others who have donated their gifts and time to the college.

“During my four years at Hillsdale, I've loved to watch how we consistently blow the previous year's note-writing goal out of the water,” said senior Brandt Siegfried. “Day of Thanks prepares students to be gratuitous citizens in a country that needs us to be better.”

The event has become increasingly popular on campus over the last five years. This year, 75 percent of campus participated in the event, writing over 3,000 cards during the 12-hour time period.

Day of Thanks was designed by Student Affairs to elevate thankfulness on campus and give students an opportunity to express that thankfulness. Postage and delivery are all taken care of through the Student Affairs and Alumni offices, and all cards are designed by Hillsdale College students.

“The Day of Thanks event is a tangible way for students to share their gratitude for all they have been abundantly blessed with at Hillsdale College, stewardship of its legacy, and service to its mission and community,” said Braden VanDyke, assistant director of Alumni Relations.

This year, 75 percent of Hillsdale College students participated in the card-of-thanks event.
This year, 75 percent of Hillsdale College students participated in the card-of-thanks event.

This article originally appeared on Hillsdale Daily News: Community