Hinsdale Plans For Outdoor Dining

HINSDALE, IL — Hinsdale is seeking a plan for downtown that would allow restaurants to offer outdoor dining in the street and accommodate traffic. The governor is allowing outdoor seating to start May 29 as long as social distancing protocols are followed.

A couple of weeks ago, the village revealed a plan to close First Street downtown from Garfield to Washington streets during the summer. This week, officials presented details that show the village would allow one-way traffic while sectioning off outdoor dining with barriers. The preliminary plan also appears to have extended to restaurants on side streets. No plan has been finalized.

IL Restaurants, Bars Can Reopen In Phase 3 With Outdoor Seating — Don't miss updates in Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills as they are announced — Sign up for Patch news alerts and newsletters.

The village is also looking to add Grant and Gateway squares to its plan, said Kathleen Gargano, the village manager.

"Those conversations are going on as well," she said. "I think it's important to remember that this is a concept plan and it is fluid."

Since the village unveiled the idea, it has contacted every restaurant owner that could be affected, officials said. Most like the idea, but at least one, Jade Dragon Restaurant, is opting out.

"They have a lucrative carryout business," Village President Tom Cauley said. "They do not feel that having tables with people and employees for them is worth it."

Officials also said they have reached out to downtown retailers to see how they could increase their foot traffic.

"The whole goal is we come out of this pandemic without any vacancies," Cauley said. "When we went into this, we had a 3 percent vacancy rate. Most municipalities have about a 10 to 15 percent rate. I would like to see us come as close to 3 percent on the other side of this. I think we should do everything in our power to help those businesses."

The Village Board has yet to vote on a street closure plan.

This article originally appeared on the Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Patch