Hispanic Heritage Month: Celebrating cultures rich in history, music and more

Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15 to October 15, to honor and celebrate the history and cultures of American citizen whose ancestors came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, South America and Central America.

Greater Lansing is rich in cultural diversity from these regions. In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, here are some community members' voices to tell their story.

RELATED:6 ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in Greater Lansing

Hispanic Heritage Month is more than 'Taco Tuesday'

As a young girl growing up in Lansing, I never questioned that my background was Mexican-American. My home was filled with traditional Mexican and Tejano music; dancing was like a second language to me. The aroma of freshly made tortillas and whatever wonderful food my mother was making often led to friends asking to stay for dinner. My childhood was also filled with afternoons of MTV after school, Saturday morning cartoons and ordering pizza every Friday night.

As a teenager, I came to realize that referring to myself as “Hispanic” was not synonymous with being Mexican-American. I learned that some of my friends had roots from Guatemala, Cuba and Costa Rica. These were countries that I was completely unfamiliar with until I began to ask questions. In our everyday lives, Hispanic is a term that places us into one common group which is often reflected by stereotypes.

As an adult, I continue to highlight my cultural background in most everything I do. Hispanic Heritage means more than indulging in margaritas and “Taco Tuesday.” To me, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to connect with others to share historical facts as well as the traditions that I grew up with here in Michigan. It means celebrating those who fight for civil rights of migrant farmworkers. It means showcasing beautiful works of Mexican art. And yes, please enjoy the food as well.

By sharing the trajectory that led families to build a vibrant Hispanic community in Lansing, we share some of the building blocks of Michigan’s capital city. By understanding our neighbors, we can overcome the charged words that are used to cause division among us in this country. And we can teach our children that, in 2022 and beyond, cultural understanding is imperative to having a global mindset.

Trinidad Pehlivanoglu moved to Lansing as a young child, and currently works and resides in the city with her husband John and their blended family of four children.

Sharing my Cuban heritage through music

In the early 1960s, I left my home in Cuba with my sister because of the political instability of the Castro regime. I was one of approximately 14,000 children who left our homes and families on the island and became refugees in the United States.

Although it was a traumatic experience, I will always be grateful to the United States for, “Operation Peter Pan.” It was an exodus of children from the island to the United States where we were then placed in foster homes or orphanages. When we left, we didn’t know if we’d ever see our parents again. They made one of the most difficult decisions any parent can make — to send their children to safety and protect them at all costs, including the possibility of never seeing them again.

Our parents did find a way to leave and join us in the United States but, again, with much personal sacrifice. They turned over all their possessions and assets to the Cuban government. They had to start a new life in the United States with only the clothes they were wearing, a small suitcase and no money. So, after spending two years at St. Vincent’s Home in Lansing, I was able to reunite with my family — my parents were able to make life good for us.

My life changed completely, but my Cuban heritage still very much defines me. Cuba is a beautiful, warm country and that is reflected in the character of the country and its people. Cubans are resourceful (they keep those old cars running!) and passionate people. There is a joke: “I’m not yelling, I’m Cuban!” And I have to admit that there is some truth to that: Cubans are loud and enthusiastic — sometimes so enthusiastic that we are all talking at the same time! Cuba and the Cuban people have a rich heritage highlighted in our art, food and music.

One of the most distinctive parts of Cuban culture is our music and dancing. I began playing classical Spanish guitar as a boy in Cuba, and the musical heritage of Cuba has remained an integral part of my life. As much as I enjoyed playing American music, I eventually decided to return to my musical roots. With help from other musicians, I started a Latin American orchestra. People can’t help but move and dance when the Latin beat gets going. Through music, I’ve been able to share my Cuban heritage here in Lansing. It has been an honor and privilege to share part of Cuba through music that delights many salsa dancers (as well as those who want to learn salsa).

Michael Eyia is the director and founder of the band Orquesta Ritmo and is also a founding member of Jazz Alliance of Mid-MIchigan (JAMM), a local organization that promotes jazz music in mid-Michigan.

Strength, sacrifice and family shape my identity

As the month of Hispanic Heritage begins, it makes me wonder what being Hispanic means to me and how it has shaped my life. Both my parents were raised and spent a significant part of their lives living in Mexico before moving permanently to the United States. It took a few years of maturing to truly realize the strength and sacrifice it took my family to pick up everything and immigrate to another country. Knowing they would face obstacles to come, it was all to ensure their future children would have better opportunities and resources than they did.

A big part of my childhood was the yearly trip to visit our family in Morelia, Michoacan. There’s nothing quite like a 30-plus hour drive in the car to get you excited, but it happened every summer. I remember everything vividly — like running around with my cousins, awkward small talk with distant but somehow related family members, catching up with my favorite aunts and uncles and, of course, the food.

It was cool to be there for several weeks and not speak a single word of English at times. My parents told my brother and I it was important to know where we originated from and the importance of our culture and traditions. I couldn’t agree more, with every trip I felt like I had discovered new pieces of my identity. I was beginning to understand myself and my family like I had never before.

As a child, I understood my family was different from others. I grew up in a mainly Spanish-speaking home so we had different traditions, customs, music and foods than any of my friends. I’m grateful to have recognized that at a young age, because being Mexican is a huge part of my personality and my life.

Being Mexican showed me the importance of family, respect, loyalty and discipline. I was taught that family comes first because they will always have love and support to give. I know my family only wants the best for me because my parents made sure to emphasize the idea of ambition and hard work. Knowing that I cannot let their hard work and sacrifice go to waste drives me to be successful, determined and compassionate. Being Mexican is what shapes my identity and is something I am proud to be.

Kiara Reyes is a senior at Michigan State University, majoring in biomedical and molecular nutrition with a plan to go to medical school after graduation.

A proactive approach to a language barrier

I moved to Michigan from Havana, Cuba with my parents when I was almost two years old. My parents encouraged me to excel in school and learn English, all while encouraging the use of our native language at home with family and friends. It was important to them that I maintain those relationships with family back home.

When it came to my education, I had to be proactive and take the initiative for myself due to my language barrier — especially in the college application process. In experiencing the challenges faced by my parents navigating a new culture and language throughout my upbringing, I was inspired to get my bachelor’s degree in social work at Michigan State University to support students like me.

Lansing School District's bilingual education department has an intake process for all of our newly arrived families. We provide them with orientation to our school system, and a safe space to ask questions in their native language. We also interview families about their child’s needs, offer complete language testing, help adults enroll in free English classes too and get the whole family in touch with local community resources.

The Latinx/Hispanic population in Lansing is very ethnically diverse, and includes a combination of newly arrived families and families who have been here for one or more generations. Every student and their family have diverse needs, and we work to support them holistically. Bilingual college preparation programs and celebratory events (such as the Latino Recognition Ceremony) support parent involvement and academic success for our Latinx student population. I am proud to be a part of this welcoming community and play a role in helping empower students who are like me. Learn more at the Dr. Eva L. Evans Welcome Center's website.

Claudia Cabrera-Rodriguez is the Spanish Family Advocate for the Lansing School District.

Hispanic heritage information was not always accessible

I am a first-generation Mexican-American born and raised in Jackson, Michigan. My parents were born in the state of Jalisco, in the country of Mexico. My mother spent her first twenty-plus years in Mexico, living in rural and moderately populated communities. My father journeyed to the United States with his brothers at a very young age to work six to eight months out of the year and send money home to support the family.

Growing up in Jackson, there was little to no example of Hispanic culture — my culture. My exposure to my Hispanic heritage was in the home, where we listened to Mexican music and ate my mother’s deliciously prepared meals. Spanish is my first language; we all spoke Spanish in our home. To this day, my mother only speaks Spanish to her children, grandchildren and even the neighbors. Our family gatherings centered around food, fun and stories about our parents and relatives when they were young.

I first learned about my Hispanic heritage in college, where I double majored in public relations and Spanish. I recall feeling a sense of pride as I learned something that I had never experienced. Growing up in a working-class town in Michigan, people made fun of our culture by calling us racial slurs and making false assumptions about our values.

Today I am proud that my children have more significant avenues to learn about their culture and that efforts like Hispanic Heritage Month exist to create educational opportunities that lead to acceptance and inclusion.

Joe Garcia is a Lansing resident, father of two and CEO of Cristo Rey Community Center.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Celebrating Hispanic cultures rich in history, music and more