Historical book on Hebron adds new information

Nov. 4—HEBRON — A historical book first published in 2016 has received its first revision, with new information on ancient sites in Hebron.

" Lost Mill Sites in Hebron, Connecticut" features information on historic sites that were once home to Hebron's many water- powered mills. It was written by Richard Symonds, with assistance from Mary Ann Foote, Geoff Kirkham, David Morrison and Larry Zimmerman. The original edition had information on 29 old mills, and the revision now includes 32 sites.

" Besides locating more sites, the author and his team have learned ore about several of the previously included mill sites," said Foote. " Greater access to sites, as well as additional historic research, has provided more details about the mills."

Information in the book includes historical data and photos on old mills along the Blackledge River, East Fawn Brook, West Fawn Brook, Foote Saw Mill Brook, Jeremy River and Raymond Brook, among other waterways in Hebron. The mills were used to produce timber, flour and grains, woolens, cottons, and silk in the 1700s, and then in the 1800s through the early 1900s, for tools, fertilizer and electricity.

The project was sponsored by the Hebron Historical Society, and proceeds benefit improvements to the Old Hebron Town Hall, located at 20 Main Street/ Route 66, which has been owned and maintained by the society since 1971.

The book is for sale for $ 20 per copy at the Hebron Town Hall, located at 14 Gilead Street/ Route 85.