Holiday market offers 'Art for All'

Nov. 16—As Christmas draws near, decorations are already going up. If you're still looking for that special something to add to a holiday assortment, then a local artist of Sampson County may have you covered.

A total of 20 artists have teamed up with the Sampson Arts Council to sell their wares during the 5th Annual Art for All Holiday Market event, which started on Nov. 10 and extends until Dec. 15 at the Victor R. Small House, located on 709 College St. in Clinton.

While it's going on, anyone from the public can come in during opening hours to shop. The Holiday Market has almost everything available, from pottery, to knitting, candles and pillows, prints and paintings, and all sorts of ornaments. There's also bags, note cards, Christmas cards, birdhouses and more — all handcrafted by artists here in Sampson County.

"We're always excited to have the Holiday Market," Kara Donatelli, Sampson Arts Council executive director, said. "We've had it for a couple of years now and it has always done really well, because people are excited to support our local artists and craftsmen. Supporting locally I think has become a big thing now, which is great and so we're just excited to offer this."

"It will be up for five weeks so people have many chances to shop with us," she said. "I would also like to mention that these items are one of a kind and they're unique and so the items, when they disappear and they're bought, they are gone and you may not be able to get the same replacement. Some of the items are prints and are reproducible, but a lot of these things are one-of-a-kind original pieces."

"So, yeah, we just encourage everyone to come shop with us for the holidays — you can just come in, shop and then we'll ring it up. We just hope people come out and shop to find that unique item for the holidays,"

The featured artists include Katie Griffin, Skyler Cason, Megan Whichello,Marsha Rogers, Calvin Edgerton, John Young, Joan Mitchell, Silas Bradley, Mary Malpass, Margaret Malpass, Karen Turbiville, Beth Hill, Douglas Lloyd, Sheila Judge Hall, Laurie Hamilton, Tammy Butler, Aliyah Buntrock, Devi Buntrock, Robbie Gore Williams and Sallie Adams.

All proceeds from the event will not only go toward the artist, but a portion also goes to the Sampson Arts Council to help them continue to do events like this one.

"We've only been open a few days and we've already sold over $1,300 worth of merchandise, so we've we've already sold a lot," Donatelli said this week. "But, there's still a lot more. The whole gallery is full with tables for each artist."

Reach Michael B. Hardison at 910-249-4231. Follow us on Twitter at @SamsponInd, like us on Facebook, and check out our Instagram at @thesampsonindependent.