Holiday shopping will start earlier this year

It may be a holiday shopping season like no other. Some big retailers like Target, Best Buy, Kohl’s and Walmart plan to skip Black Friday altogether. They can’t afford to hold door-busting sales events when social distancing is the norm.

Instead, they’ll offer winter promotions as early as Halloween. Analysts say that could bring back shoppers. This week, some of the majors said back-to-school season - the second busiest time of year for the industry - has been slow and choppy. Add to that this concern: the expiration of the $600 weekly unemployment benefit in July could weaken consumer spending.

Kohl’s hopes to entice consumers by emphasizing comfortable clothing, home essentials and toys for kids - categories that proved popular with shoppers online.

With much of America still staying home, e-commerce is expected to rise to a record 15% of all U.S. sales this year, according to eMarketer. Delivery companies - including the U.S. Postal Service - are responding with hefty holiday surcharges.
