Hollyoaks: Joel makes a worrying discovery

Episode 6247

Channel 4 streaming release date: Friday 17 November 2023 at 19:30

E4 airdate: Monday 20 November 2023 at 19:00

Joel realises that he took the wrong box to be donated to those in need.

It's a race against time for Joel and Leela to retrieve it before anyone sees what's inside.

Meanwhile, Warren tells Mercedes that he feels bad for sending Ella away, but Mercedes reminds him they can't risk Ella telling Felix the truth about them. Wanting to catch up with his best friend, Felix plans a day with Warren.

Later, inspired by a conversation with Dave, Felix suggests a money-making scheme to Warren with an ulterior motive.

Elsewhere, Ethan overhears Darren and Norma talking and tries to stop Darren from getting involved with her. Needing to pay off Morgan's medical bills and provide for his family, Darren agrees to work for Norma until she says his debt is paid off.

Also today, Cindy wants to return her new dressing gown – a package that she mistook for a gift – due to finding a hole in it. Dave is forced to admit it wasn't meant for her.

Writer: Johnathon Hughes

Director: James Campayne

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