Holsinger, Perry, Steward and Zader vying for Mansfield mayor

The November election will be one of the biggest facing Mansfield residents in recent memory.

Mansfield will have largely a new administration in 2024, including a new mayor, new law director, new finance director and two new municipal court judges.

Before November, however, voters have many important decisions to make in Tuesday's primary election. One of them is deciding among four Republican candidates seeking their party's nomination for mayor.

The winner will face Democrat Sherry Vaught in the fall. Mayor Tim Theaker is serving the last of his three terms.

The News Journal ran individual profiles of all four Republican candidates ahead of early voting. Here is a refresher for voters still making up their minds.

Jim Holsinger
Jim Holsinger

Holsinger says he's a 'normal guy,' not a politician

Jim Holsinger is a political newcomer and makes no secret that he is not a politician.

"I'm just a normal guy," he said.

Holsinger became involved in politics because he thinks he can make a difference, especially on crime.

"I've seen how the city has been for years with crime," he said. "The politicians aren't doing their job. Every mayor I've known has done nothing with crime."

Holsinger, a Mansfield native and graduate of Madison Comprehensive High School, was a private investigator for about five years and also worked as a loss prevention officer for Buehler's Fresh Foods.

He previously said he would restructure the police department but declined to share details.

"I don't like the word 'can't.' I believe my plan will work," Holsinger said. "I think it will work so well, all the prosecutor will have to do is show up. The case will be handed to him."

For the last seven years, Holsinger has worked for Fin-Feather-Fur Outfitters in Ashland. As a political newcomer, he has been going door-to-door to get his name out there.

Holsinger has a disdain for "wasteful spending" and has self-funded his campaign.

"I'm going to work for the people," he said. "I think our politicians here have lost that. They live in the political world. That's not how I would run the city."

He said if elected, he would be the "most transparent person out there."

"I've got to at least try. I may not know how everything works, but I'm a fast learner," Holsinger said. "I wish more people would run for office. Change things around here."

Jodie Perry
Jodie Perry

Jodie Perry says Mansfield needs "a strong leader, someone who can build positive relationships, someone who can make hard decisions."

Perry draws on experience at chamber of commerce

A native of New York and a resident of Mansfield since 2014, Perry has been the president and CEO of Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development.

Since her September announcement that she would run for mayor, Perry has assumed the title of chief operating officer.

She oversaw the affiliation with the countywide economic development organization, Richland Community Development Group, which has focused on bringing higher-paying jobs to the area.

Perry is also a co-leader of the Mansfield Rising project, which established a Downtown Improvement Plan in 2018.

"I really have made a lot of great connections in this community," she said. "My love for the community is very genuine. I thought this is the place where I wanted to stay."

For the past few months, Perry has been a regular attendee at Mansfield City Council meetings.

"I'm used to a board of directors, which is different than council," she said. "It's been interesting to learn about that."

Perry wants to focus on economic development as a foundation.

"We need to grow. I think Mansfield is well-positioned for further growth," she said. "Essential upgrades to Mansfield's underlying infrastructure will improve our safety, plus create a strong foundation for future development."

She added, "Our safety services need the tools, training and personnel to provide the service you expect."

Perry has accumulated a number of endorsements, from Theaker, state Rep. Marilyn John, Richland County Commissioners Tony Vero and Darrell Banks, Shelby Mayor Steve Schag, Ontario Mayor Randy Hutchinson, Bellville Mayor Teri Brenkus and Mansfield City Council members Aurelio Diaz and Laura Burns.

"What people have seen from me at the chamber in terms of my work ethic, my ability to collaborate ... I am who I am," Perry said.

Linn Steward
Linn Steward

Steward has been finance director for 12 years

Linn Steward has been the city's finance director for the past 12 years. Like Theaker, she is limited by terms.

She said her extensive background in finances will be an advantage.

"Probably 80% of the legislation going through council is financial," Steward said. "I'm pretty much an expert on the city's finances.

"It (taking over as mayor) will be an easy transition for me because I know all the software and have good relationships with all the department heads."

She said she would provide continuity in an era of change.

Steward's office received an award of distinction from the state auditor three years in a row, recognition she said is given to only about 5% of governmental agencies.

A Crestline native, Steward graduated from Lucas. She has lived in Mansfield for more than 25 years. Steward noted both sides of her family came to Richland County in the 1800s.

Steward became a certified public accountant in 1987.

When she was elected finance director, the city was in fiscal emergency. Mansfield's finances are in a solid position now.

"I remember what it was like to recover from that," Steward said of fiscal emergency. "I worked so hard to get us to a good financial position. I think I can make a big difference."

As finance director, she said she has worked across party lines for the last 12 years, noting the chair of the finance committee during her tenure has always been a Democrat.

One of her campaign ideas involves widening Ohio 13 to Mansfield Lahm Regional Airport.

"One of the companies wanting to come here did not because of traffic flow, especially at staff changes," Steward said.

The industrial park and Mansfield Correctional Institution are in the area.

She also suggests an outer belt from Ohio 13 around the city. Steward said it would eliminate the semitrailer traffic that flows through downtown.

"It would be good for businesses to have a faster route around the city," she said.

Steward said another pressing need in Mansfield is housing.

Stephanie Zader
Stephanie Zader

Stephanie Zader has been focusing on this election for five years. She is a councilwoman at-large.

Zader points to pivotal election for city

"This is a make-it or break-it time for Mansfield," Zader said. "We're either going to continue to see municipalities around us outpace us, or we can start to flourish."

Zader, who was appointed as at-large councilwoman in January 2021 and won election later that year, is a Realtor and real estate investor.

She said she decided to get involved in politics after attending an election party in 2016.

"I knew it would be a whole new administration," she said of the upcoming election slate.

In her time on city council, Zader said she has spent a lot of time in each of the departments. She believes it is important to articulate what the city does.

As mayor, she wants to conduct a SWOT analysis of each department. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and management technique used to help a person or organization identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to business competition or project planning.

Zader previously said she hopes to double the income tax base within five years of taking office.

"We have to incentivize developers to come here," she said. "If we bring in businesses, we increase the population (and bring in more income tax)."

She has endorsements from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 688, North Central Ohio Building and Trades Council, Dream Huge Realty and Property Management, Interstate Battery and Pete Peterson.

Zader, who grew up in foster care and moved to Mansfield in 2010, has targeted Republican and swing voters. She and her volunteers planned to contact 4,000 to 5,000 such voters on two particular days.

"I want to see Mansfield be the best that it can possibly be," Zader said. "It's easy to say that, but I think my actions show how much I care about Mansfield."



This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Refresher for voters: 4 Republicans seeing nomination for mayor