At-Home Dermaplaning is the Best Way to Get Rid of Peach Fuzz

Courtesy of Sephora

bhg - 199 Available at Sephora

bhg - 20 Available at Versed

bhg - 16 Available at Sephora

I've always had peach fuzz on my face, especially on my cheeks, chin, and upper lip. It's something that I've always been a little bit self-conscious about, especially when it affects the way my makeup looks. After a dusting of powder, those tiny hairs become noticeable. Thankfully, I discovered DIY dermaplaning, the painless facial shaving method for getting rid of peach fuzz with a single blade or device. And because it's also an exfoliating treatment, dermaplaning leaves my skin brighter and smoother looking, too.

According to Ife Rodney, M.D., founding director of Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics, dermaplaning offers several major skincare benefits. "Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells and dirt on the topmost layer of your skin, revealing the smoother, fresher skin that's beneath. After dermaplaning, your skincare products absorb more easily, and your makeup looks fresher. It's a non-chemical way to slightly even out your skin tone while removing some of the hair and dirt that causes acne," Rodney says.

Since dermaplaning exfoliates your face, so you don't want to overdo it. "Too many sessions can cause irritation, redness, and even bumps," Rodney warns. "You should get the best results dermaplaning twice monthly. If you have sensitive skin, you should cut this down to once a month." It's also important to know when not to dermaplane because not everyone is a candidate. "If you have eczema, sensitive skin, severe acne, dry skin conditions, or other known skin conditions, you should avoid dermaplaning, especially at home," Rodney says. Instead, you should visit a dermatologist for the best procedures and products to address your specific skin concerns.

Here's how I safely dermaplane at home without getting any knicks or cuts.

Step 1: Prep Your Skin

According to Rodney, proper prep is key when dermaplaning at home. "First, you need to use a gentle cleanser to wash your skin. Once you're done, rinse off the cleanser and pat your face dry. It's important to always dermaplane in front of a good mirror and light so you can see what you're doing," Rodney says. Make sure your skin is a little bit damp before you begin; dry skin is more likely to get knicks and small cuts.

Step 2: Watch Your Position and Pressure

"You should always go with the grain of your peach fuzz and hold the blade at a slight angle," Rodney says. The devices I have used recommend holding the blade at a 45-degree angle, which helps you get the best shave. Working in a downward motion, gently press the blade against your skin, applying just enough pressure to remove that top layer of skin and peach fuzz. Rodney advises working in small areas and always looking at your progress to prevent cuts and bleeding. She also says to avoid any acne, bumps, or other rough spots on your face.

Step 3: Moisturize Afterward

After you're done dermaplaning, go ahead and apply your skincare products like moisturizer or cream. "You'll want to moisturize your face when you're done and apply any products with active ingredients, like serums. They will be more effective after dermaplaning," Rodney says.

Dermaplaning keeps my unwanted peach fuzz under control and leaves my skin feeling extra radiant and so smooth. It's been the ultimate game-changer in my skincare routine. Below, shop three of my favorite at-home dermaplaning blades!

Dermaflash Luxe

This at-home device includes everything you need to dermaplane for smoother skin, including a gentle facial cleanser, a tool powered by sonic vibrations with multiple speed settings, and a moisturizer to use on your skin when you're done. Plus, it comes with four refill blades (each blade should only be used one time). This is definitely a splurge item, but it rivals a professional treatment, and you can use it at home.

Versed Instant Gratification At-Home Dermaplaning Tool

The stainless steel, single-edge blade is both affordable and sharp, so be sure to be very gentle when handling. I find that this works best when you use short strokes and hold your skin taut with your free hand. Also, don't apply any extra pressure when the blade is on your face—just holding it onto the skin will allow it to remove all your peach fuzz. Make sure to keep the blade clean in between uses and replace it after four dermaplaning sessions.

Sephora Collection Metal Facial Razor

I love this blade for travel. It's super easy to use, and the sleek design (and storage case) makes it easy to throw in your bag when you're on the go. In addition to removing my peach fuzz, I use this to clean up the edges of my eyebrows since I get lots of rogue hairs that like to grow outside the lines.