Homemade explosive detonates in Colombia protests

Protests have continued to spread across Colombia since last week.

Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets over rumored government plans, including a cut to the minimum wage for young people.

President Ivan Duque denies supporting the plans.

On Tuesday (November 26) he announced measures to quell the unrest - including three days a year without a VAT tax.

This is what one protester thought about that:


"It's a joke for what's happening right now. We're not fighting for them to give us a three day exemption. We're protesting because the whole system and the government is failing the Colombian nation."

The death of an 18-year-old on Monday (November 25) has become a symbol for many protesters.

Dilan Cruz was fatally injured by a tear gas canister shot by police - during weekend marches.

Mourners have been gathered at makeshift shrines.

It could now spark more intense protests.

A strike committee said they'll increase the intensity of the strike, in tribute to Cruz.